Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of NTNU【65(2)】September (Special Issue: Studies on Taoist Dantao)

The Beginning of Laoshan Taoism: Factors of Space Demand and Moral Practice as Reasons Why Jin Dynasty’s Quanzhen Sect Preached in Laoshan
Author: Shu-Fang Liang (General Education Center, National Taiwan Sport University, Professor)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 65, No. 2
Date:September 2020

The study requirement of the whole truth teaching is different from that of the original alchemy and Taoism. It does not require the gods to guide the teaching nor does it have to resort to making the magical drugs. The environment required by Quanzhen Sect is quiet and can be practiced with ease. This allows Quanzhen Sect to quickly expand in the thirteenth century. It did not need to establish religious gatherings in famous mountains but emphasized real action, which is relatively close to the Confucian moral practice. The greatest contribution of Cue Ji Qiu in Quanzhen Sect of the Taoist history is to expand its scale and influence as follows. First, the support of the Mongolian royal family allowed the Quanzhen Sect to expand rapidly in China. Secondly, Quanzhen Sect entered the Laoshan camp to build a palace due to a geographical relationship with its base in Kun-Yu Mountain. Cue Ji Qiu affected Quanzhen Sect to decide to establish a religious place and took advantage of the right timing and opportunity to help civilians in distress. Entering Laoshan with Quanzhen Sect and accepting the people affected by the war is the main reason for the early development of Laoshan Quanzhen Sect. Cue Ji Qiu has pioneered the development history of Taoism in Laoshan.

Keywords:Cue Ji Qiu, Quanzhen Sect, space demand, moral practice, Laoshan

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 西漢‧司馬遷,《史記‧封禪書》(臺北市:鼎文書局,1970)。
  2. 西晉‧張華,范寧校證,《博物志校證》(臺北市:明文書局,1970)。
  3. 西晉‧葛洪,《神仙傳》,收入《景印文淵閣四庫全書》,第1059冊(臺北市:臺灣商務印書館,1983)。
  4. 西晉‧葛洪,《抱朴子》,收入《道藏》,第28冊(北京市:文物出版社,1992)。
  5. 劉宋‧范曄撰,唐‧李賢等注,西晉‧司馬彪補志,楊家駱(主編),《後漢書》(臺北市:鼎文書局,1981)。
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APA FormatLiang, S.-F. (2020). The Beginning of Laoshan Taoism: Factors of Space Demand and Moral Practice as Reasons Why Jin Dynasty’s Quanzhen Sect Preached in Laoshan. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 65(2), 47-66.
Chicago FormatLiang, Shu-Fang. “The Beginning of Laoshan Taoism: Factors of Space Demand and Moral Practice as Reasons Why Jin Dynasty’s Quanzhen Sect Preached in Laoshan.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 65, no. 2 (2020): 47-66.