Journal directory listing - Volume 64 (2019) - Journal of NTNU【64(1)】March

On the Crisis of Eastern and Western Philosophy and the Solution: The Hidden Thread in Shu-Ming Liang’s Two Books
Author: Yuan-Ling Hu (Department of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 64, No.1
Date:March 2019

At the time of the May Fourth Movement, Shu-Ming Liang (梁漱溟) (1893-1988), one of the first-generation thinkers of Contemporary Neo-Confucianism, was in the midst of his youthful lecturing at Peking University (1917–1924), and published his renowned books, Eastern and Western Culture and its Philosophy (東西文化及其哲學) (1921) as well as Annotating the Meaning of Cittamatra (唯識述義) (1920). However, the connection between these two books and their meanings has been neglected ever since their publication. This paper attempts to demonstrate and analyze the hidden thread that connects these two books. This hidden thread is the contemplation of the crisis of metaphysics in Western philosophy and the crisis of values in Eastern philosophy during modern times, with “intuition” proposed as the solution. First, we explore the background of Liang’s two books. Second, we discuss the solution offered by Liang. He attempted to integrate the thought of the Indian Cittamatra with Bergson’s philosophy, applying the concept of “intuition” to solve the crisis of metaphysics in Western philosophy. Additionally, he attempted to integrate Confucianism with Bergson’s philosophy, applying the concept of “intuition” to solve the crisis of values in Eastern philosophy. Finally, we conclude the paper by examining the meaning and value of Liang’s efforts.

Keywords:Bergson, Eastern and Western Culture and its Philosophy, Shu-Ming Liang, Cittamatra, Contemporary Neo-Confucianism

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 東漢•趙岐注,宋•孫奭疏,《孟子注疏》,收入清•阮元校刻《十三經注疏》本(臺北市:藝文印書館,1979)。
  2. 清•王先慎集解,《韓非子》(臺北市:臺灣商務印書館,1969)。
  3. 王宗昱,〈梁漱溟的佛教修行〉,《鵝湖月刊》,29卷6期(2003)12月,頁30-34。
  4. 牟宗三,〈我所認識的梁漱溟先生〉,《時代與感受續編》,收入《牟宗三先生全集》,第24冊(臺北市:聯經出版公司,2003)。
  5. 艾愷(Guy Alittoo),《最後的儒家:梁漱溟與中國現代化的兩難》(Liang Shu-ming and the Chinese Dilemma of Modernity),王宗昱、冀建中譯(南京市:江蘇人民出版社,2003)。
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APA FormatHu, Y.-L. (2019). On the Crisis of Eastern and Western Philosophy and the Solution: The Hidden Thread in Shu-Ming Liang’s Two Books. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 64(1), 55-82.
Chicago FormatHu, ​Yuan-Ling. “On the Crisis of Eastern and Western Philosophy and the Solution: The Hidden Thread in Shu-Ming Liang’s Two Books.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 64, no. 1 (2019): 55-82.