Journal directory listing - Volume 67 (2022) - Journal of NTNU【67(1)】March (Special Issue: Exhibit Asia: Exploring National Image and Identity through Exhibition)

A Study on the Interpretation Characteristics and the Thoughts Value of Xiao Jing Shu Yi
Author: Bing Zhuang (Graduate Institute of Asian Humanities, Huafan University, Associate Professor)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 67, No. 1
Date:March 2022

    The treatise on the classic of filial piety (Xiao jing shu yi), an exegesis book written by Liu Xuan for Gu wen xiao jing kong anguo zhuan, is the only surviving work of the study of classics in the Sui Dynasty. It largely involves the key issues of the study of classics in the Wei Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties and has great historical value. On the basis of research results of Hayashi Hideichi and other predecessors, this paper deeply explores thoughts and interpretation characteristics of Xiao jing shu yi, and clarifies that Xiao jing shu yi considers that Xiao jing, as Confucius’ own realization and practice of filial piety, contains the experience summary of Confuciuson “rise and fall” in history, and interprets that filial piety not only reflects the way of destined human relations, but also is a good deed that comes from the nature of every human being. Such a unique way of thinking is enough to reflect the speculative nature of its theory and the guidance of its practical significance. Xiao jing shu yi absorbs the speculative xuanxue thoughts of the six Dynasties, and reinterprets the historical practical significance of Xiao jing’s purpose of “governing the world with filial piety”. As for Xiao jing shu yi refuting views of other schools to develop its own theory, it is regarded as a major achievement of yishuxue in the transitional period from the Six Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In addition, the discovery and arrangement of Xiao jing shu yi are enough to show the ideological status and value of Xiao jing shu yi in the history of sino-japanese cultural exchanges, and provide the international perspective of traditional Confucian classics research for the current academic circle.

Keywords:Gu wen xiao jing kong anguo zhuan, Xiao jing shu yi, Hayashi Hideichi, yishuxue, Liu Xuan

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 漢‧孔安國,《古文孝經孔安國傳》,載於《四庫全書》,臺北市:臺灣商務印書館,第182冊,1983。
  2. 漢‧班固撰、唐‧顏師古校,《漢書》,北京市:中華書局,1962。
  3. 隋‧劉炫,《孝經述議 存卷1、4》,《京都大学貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ》,,2019年1月9日下載。
  4. 唐‧魏徵等,《隋書》,北京市:中華書局,1973。
  5. 唐‧李隆基,《孝經注疏》,清‧阮元校刻,《十三經注疏》,北京市:中華書局,1980。
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APA FormatZhuang, B. (2022). A Study on the Interpretation Characteristics and the Thoughts Value of Xiao Jing Shu Yi. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 67(1), 71-100.
Chicago FormatZhuang, Bing. A Study on the Interpretation Characteristics and the Thoughts Value of Xiao Jing Shu Yi.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 67, no. 1 (2022): 71-100.