Journal directory listing - Volume 63 (2018) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【63(2)】June (Special Issue: Lifelong Learning and Senior Education)

(Special Issue) Effect of Group Art Therapy on Older Individuals With Dementia
Author: Chuan-Yung Huang (Department of Thanatology and Health Counseling, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences), Shu-Hui Kuo (Department of Education, University of Taipei)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 63, No.2
Date:June 2018

This study explored the effect of group art therapy on older individuals with dementia. A discovery-oriented qualitative study was used for data collection. Individual interviews were conducted after the completion of group art therapy. Findings indicated that group art therapy provided practical help and influences, including anticipation of participating at the group, increased motivation to leave the house, aroused curiosity, enhanced body movement, enhanced interactions with others, strengthened verbal responses, boosted self-recognition and encouragement, improved concentration, a focus for life, strengthened positive emotional experiences, relaxation, and new thoughts about older individuals and the connections between them. The effects of group art therapy included improved creativity and sense of accomplishment, usage of different senses, enhanced sensations, creative empowerment, maintenance of self-fulfillment, dedication to art enabling participants to forget suffering and pain, improved activity, and improved hand-eye coordination. The findings of this study are discussed, and suggestions are provided for the government and related institutions to cope with an aging society and an increasing population of individuals with dementia.

Keywords:aging society, dementia, group art therapy, long-term care

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APA FormatHuang, C. -Y. & Kuo, S. -H. (2018). Effect of Group Art Therapy on Older Individuals With Dementia. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 63(2), 45-72. doi: 10.6209/JORIES.201806_63(2).0003