Journal directory listing - Volume 62 (2017) - Journal of NTNU【62(2)】September (Special Issue: Overseas Sinology)

Joseon Scholar Kim Jeong Hui’s Study of Gu Wen Shang Shu on the Acceptance and Regeneration of Qing Dynasty’s Theory
Author: I-Ling Chen (Centre for Chinese Cultural Heritage, Hong Kong Baptist University, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 62, No. 2
Date:September 2017

Since ancient China, the falsification of Shang Shu has triggered overwhelming debate in the study of Confucianism. Relevant research by the scholars of the Ming and Qing Dynasty, later spread to the Korean Peninsula and integrated with local political and cultural ideology, had been absorbed and transformed by Joseon scholars. This study probes into what the Joseon scholars’ debate concerning Chinese studies on the falsification of Shang Shu means to the development of Chinese and Korean research on the study of Confucianism by adopting a Korean Study on Confucian Classics, the Korean Literary Collection in Classical Chinese, and Annals of Joseon Dynasty as primary references. The doctrine of Zhu Xi was the norm of etiquette when Joseon was founded. In the chapter “Counsels of the Great Yu” in Gu Wen Shang Shu, there is a maxim stating that “The mind of man is restless, and its affinity to conscience is delicate. Be discriminating, be uniform, that you may sincerely conform to the doctrine of mean.” The doctrine of Zhu Xi regards that quote as the method of mental cultivation for three ancient holy emperors: Yao, Shun, and Yu. If Gu Wen Shang Shu was proven to be falsified, the Joseon society that considers the doctrine of Zhu Xi as the supreme truth will incur a severe effect that may quash its cultural beliefs. Because of the eclecticism that intended to seek a balance between Hang Studies and Song studies, the Joseon Dynasty had chosen a different standpoint than China in the debate on Gu Wen Shang Shu to defend Joseon culture, which has been profoundly influenced by the doctrine of Zhu Xi.

Keywords:Kim Jeong Hui, Shang Shu, Shu Jing, Distinguish, Korean Study on Confucian Classics

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 南宋•朱熹,《晦庵先生朱文公文集》,收入朱傑人、嚴佐之、劉永翔點校,《朱子全書》(上海市:上海古籍出版社,2002)。
  2. 南宋•黎靖德(編),《朱子語類》(北京市:中華書局,1986)。
  3. 清•段玉裁,《古文尚書撰異》,收入《續修四庫全書》本,第46冊(上海市:上海古籍出版社,1995)。
  4. 文炳贊,〈阮堂禮學思想的來源—《禮堂說》與凌廷堪《復禮(下)》〉《商業文化(學術版)》,12期(2008),頁190。
  5. 毛文芳,〈禮物:金正喜與燕京文友的畵像交誼及相涉問題〉,《漢文學論集》,42輯(2015),頁9-40。
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APA FormatChen, I-L. (2017). Joseon scholar Kim Jeong Hui’s study of Gu Wen Shang Shu on the acceptance and regeneration of Qing Dynasty’s theory. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 62(2), 93-110.
Chicago FormatChen, ​I-Ling. “Joseon Scholar Kim Jeong Hui’s Study of Gu Wen Shang Shu on the Acceptance and Regeneration of Qing Dynasty’s Theory.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 62, no. 2 (2017): 93-110.