Journal directory listing - Volume 53 (2008) - Education【53(1)】April

Degree of Bilingualism and Cognitive Abilities in Mandarin-Taiwanese Bilingual Children
Author: Li-chun Chang(Department of Early Childhood Education, National Tainan University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 53, No. 1
Date:April 2008


This study was conducted to examine the relationship between bilingualism and cognitive abilities, as predicted by Threshold theory. Two age groups of subjects were studied, kindergarten and second grade. All children were Mandarin/Taiwanese bilinguals with different degree of proficiency. Two measures of cognitive instruments were employed, the Chinese Version of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence and Torrance’s Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural B). On the whole, the results were consistent with theory, in that an overall bilingual superiority was found only for those children who had attained a high degree of bilingualism. This was especially the case in the divergent thinking measure.

Keywords:Mandarin-Taiwanese bilingual, intelligence, creativity

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APA FormatChang, L.-C. (2008). Degree of Bilingualism and Cognitive Abilities in Mandarin-Taiwanese Bilingual Children. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 53(1), 79-106. doi:10.3966/2073753X2008045301004