Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of NTNU【65(2)】September (Special Issue: Studies on Taoist Dantao)

Tianzhi Wu and Dongting Wang’s Inner Alchemy Teachings Based on Journey to the West in the Late Qing Dynasty: A Discussion of Their Theory of Sun Wukong and the Ruyi Gold Hoop Stick
Author: Chin-Ming Hsiao (Department of Religious Culture and Information Management, Aletheia University, Professor)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 65, No. 2
Date:September 2020

The Shidetang version of Journey to the West was published during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, and the book's interpretation by the Ming and Qing Dynasties was based on inner alchemy (Neidan) or Buddhism and Taoism. Among some Taoist schools in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Journey to the West was regarded as an inner alchemy classic for study and skill cultivation. The notions and teachings of Neidan have also been disseminated throughout society because of the wide circulation of Journey to the West. In the past, the study of Journey to the West focused less on how a certain school interpreted the book and more on using it to practice Neidan. Tianzhi Wu and Dongting Wang's unique “void outside the body” inner alchemy teachings were developed according to the interpretations of Sun Wukong, Sun Waigong, and the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick in Journey to the West. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of Wu and Wang's view of the book is critical to understanding their inner alchemy teachings as well as the development and legacy of the Western school's teachings. Such an analysis can also elucidate how Journey to the West influences inner alchemy practices inside and outside Taoism. In this article, we affirm that Tianzhi Wu's Neidan teachings were not inherited from Hanxu Li, who is not known to refer to Journey to the West. Although Wu and Wang's Journey to the West—related Neidan teaching was influenced by Chen Shibin and Liu Yiming, Wu and Wang also had their own unique ideas. Despite Wu and Wang's emphasis on the book, its legacy and the importance attached to it have gradually weakened. The lineage that Junque Wu spread to Taiwan after World War II no longer mentioned Journey to the West.

Keywords:Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick, Journey to the West, Tianzhi Wu, Dongting Wang, Sun Wukong

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 戰國‧秦越人(扁鵲),解者不詳,《難經今解》(臺北市:啟業書局,1986)。
  2. 五代‧彭曉,《周易參同契分章通真義》,收入《中華道藏》,第16冊(北京市:華夏出版社,2004)。
  3. 北宋‧薛道光等,《紫陽真人悟真篇三註》,收入《中華道藏》,第19冊(北京市:華夏出版社,2004),頁428。
  4. 金‧王重陽,《重陽全真集》,收入《中華道藏》,第26冊(北京市:華夏出版社,2004)。
  5. 元‧丘處機,陳敦甫釋義,《西遊記釋義(龍門心法)》(臺北市:全真教出版社,1976)。
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APA Format Hsiao, C.-M. (2020). Tianzhi Wu and Dongting Wang’s Inner Alchemy Teachings Based on Journey to the West in the Late Qing Dynasty: A Discussion of Their Theory of Sun Wukong and the Ruyi Gold Hoop Stick. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 65(2), 99-124.
Chicago FormatHsiao, Chin-Ming. “Tianzhi Wu and Dongting Wang's Inner Alchemy Teachings Based on Journey to the West in the Late Qing Dynasty: A Discussion of Their Theory of Sun Wukong and the Ruyi Gold Hoop Stick.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 65, no. 2 (2020): 99-124.