Journal directory listing - Volume 60 (2015) - Journal of NTNU: Linguistics & Literature【60(2)】September (Special Issue: A Special Issue on Gao Xinjian and Mo Yan)

【A Special Issue on Gao Xingjian and Mo Yan】Gao Xingjian Drama Associated with the Creation of Its Life Course
Author: Ruey-Jen Yan (Department of Language and Literacy Education, National Taichung University of Education)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 60, No. 2
Date:September 2015


    In 2000, Gao Xingjian won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his novel Soul Mountain; this was the first work from the Chinese literary world to be awarded this prize. Although Gao is a Soul Mountaun award, I found the quality and quantity of his theatrical works to be a considerable achievement. Starting in 1987, Gao Xingjian’s theatrical works were performed around the world, proving that his dramatic works should not be underestimated. As the paper that is his theater productions remarked, Gao Xingjian’s theater concept holds that the performing arts theater, actors, and audience attention to the exchange but stressed that the actors and audience be calm and introspective and have the perspective to appreciate and more objectively understand the human plight through drama, people of their own living conditions have awakening and beyond. He specializes in the flexible use of the personal pronoun and quick conversion of the narrative point of view to provide the reader with insight into each character’s thoughts, generating understanding and tolerance of their confessions. Gao Xingjian late plays mostly the role type names: men, women, travelers, prostitutes, sleepwalkers, and riffraff; the pen of the young woman for sexual relations even though the rash, there are sexual autonomy. The Gao Xingjian drama emphasizes universal life care, and his works describe human doubts about its value and significance and emphasize the spiritual state of Zen. Snow in August, in which the protagonist Patriarch, the Zen into a perception of life, a philosophy, a way of life; not wanting people to meditate but to practice living in the present state of nature.

Keywords:female image, life history, cold literature, Gao Xingjian drama, Zen thinking

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