Journal directory listing - Volume 55 (2010) - Journal of NTNU:Linguistics & Literature【55(1)】March

A Cognitive Study on Verb“Zhu”and“Zhuo”in Chinese Buddhist Scriptures: Focus on Lexicon and Phrase
Author: Wan-Yu Kao(Department of Chinese Literature, Tamkang University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 55, No. 1
Date:March 2010


The verb “Zhu” and “Zhuo” contained the semantic features “contact” and “continuance”. Although the meanings of “Zhu” and “Zhuo” overlapped, they still had some differences. The pronunciation of many words and phrases that contained “Zhuo” had a strong Buddhist flavor, while“ZhiZhuo” gradually became a common word in today’s vocabulary.
During the course of this study, it was discovered that the meanings of “Zhu” and “Zhuo” had suffered semantic bleaching through the process of metaphori. The image-schematic structure of“Zhu” are the “source-path-goal schema” and “container schema.” and of “Zhuo” is the “container schema." "Zhu" and "Zhuo" were not only influenced by both image schema and semantic features, but also by Buddhist dharma and pronunciation as well. Many words and phrases that contained“Zhuo” had negative meanings and were often collocated with the morphemes that had negative meanings.

Keywords:“Zhu”,“Zhuo”, image-schematic structure, Chinese Buddhist Scriptures, metaphor

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APA FormatKao, W.-Y. (2010). A Cognitive Study on Verb“Zhu”and“Zhuo”in Chinese Buddhist Scriptures: Focus on Lexicon and Phrase. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature, 55(1), 1-27. doi:10.3966/207451922010035501001