The Coherence of A Literary Work-From the Perspective of the “Multiple, Binary and Unitary (zero)” Spiral Structure
Author: Man-Ming Chen(Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 55, No. 1
Date:March 2010
A literary work consists of four elements: sentiment, reason, object (view) and matter. Sentiment and reason infer “concept”, and view as well as matter infer “form”. There exists a dualism between and within concepts and forms. And such a dualism needs to cohere all of the elements to form a rigid organization, by means of a “gradation logic system” or a “multiple, binary and unitary (zero) spiral structure”. There are two types of coherence in a literary work. One is visible; i.e. the arrangement of wording, sentences and paragraphs that links up concepts and forms. The other is invisible; i.e. the respondence to a speci.c image and the gradation of logic to integrate a whole structure. These types of coherences could highlight the motif, style and esthetics of a literary work.
Keywords:the “multiple, binary and unitary (zero) spiral structure”, dualism, image, types of coherence, literary work
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