Guide for Submission

The mission of this journal is to publish research paper in the domain of literature, history, and philosophy.

This journal is published semi-annually; one periodical is published each March and September. This journal welcomes submissions all year round. Submissions are reviewed upon receipt.

This journal employs a two-way anonymous review process. Please do not indicate author's name or any identifying information in the paper. Regarding review process, please see the "Flow of Research Paper Review System".

   Submission of Manuscript

  • Submit manuscripts online, please login to the online manuscript submission and review system at Register a new account number and fill out basic information. If the system shows that your account number already exists, please login with this account number to modify your basic information, or submit your research paper in Microsoft Word document file, and fill out all related information required for the submission of your research paper, then e-mail to:your research paper in Microsoft Word document file, and fill out all related information required for the submission of your research paper, then e-mail to:

  • Contact number: +886-2-7749-5258. E-mail: Address: 162, HoPing E. Road, Section 1, Taipei 106, Taiwan, National Taiwan Normal University, NTNU Press of Library, "Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, Editorial Board".

   Manuscript Processing

  • The manuscript must not be submitted to any other journals and must not infringe on any others' copyrights or violate academic ethics. Should the manuscript or research include such violations, the author is solely responsible, and this journal will not accept further submission from the author for a period of three years. This journal may claim compensation depending on the degree of severity of the circumstances.

  • The mission of this journal is to publish research paper in the domain of literature, history, and philosophy. The regular and special paper around 15,000 to 20,000 words (Chinese) or 6,000 to 9,000 words (English), research commentary around 8,000 to 10,000 words (Chinese) or 4,000 to 6,000 words (English), book review around 3,000 to 5,000 words (Chinese) or 1,000 to 2,000 words (English) are all welcomed for consideration (including the abstract, main content, figures, legends, tables, footnotes, references and appendixes, etc.). If the discipline of a submitted paper does not match the domain or the thesis writing, such a paper will be rejected.

  • Manuscripts that have been submitted for review cannot be withdrawn. Applications for withdrawal of manuscripts due to exceptional reasons are subject to the decision of the editor-in-chief. Regarding authors who have voluntarily withdrawn manuscripts without special reason, this journal will not accept further manuscripts from such authors for a period of two years.

  • Authors whose papers have been accepted for publication must sign the "Transfer of Copyright Agreement" and submit the form to this journal. The copyrights to this paper will then be reserved by the National Taiwan Normal University.

  • Within one month of receiving the "Notice of Revision", the author must return the revised manuscript and explanation of revision. Manuscripts for which such response is overdue will be seen as rejected manuscripts. In cases of extenuating circumstances, please contact the journal in advance.

  • This journal will provide a reviewer comment form for each manuscript within six months of submission, regardless of whether the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

  • The editorial board of this journal will determine the publication quarter for all papers accepted by this journal, based on editorial needs.


  • The author is responsible for proofreading after the paper has been typeset; the journal is only responsible for format proofing.

  • This journal will provide a copy of the journal quarterly to the published author, free of charge. Apart from these items, there will be no payment for the manuscript. 

※ The rate of manuscript accepted in 2020 is 29%.