Journal directory listing - Volume 69 (2024) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【69(4)】December(Special Issue: Experiential Education and Adventure Education)
A Comparative Analysis on Outdoor Adventure Education Development in England, Taiwan, and Malaysia
Author: Cheng-Wei Li (Department of Civic Education and Leadership, National Taiwan Normal University), Evelyn Yeap Ewe Lin (Senior Lecturer of the Department of Languages and Communication, College of Continuing Education, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 69, No. 4
Date:December 2024
Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE) as an educational philosophy has varying levels of development and practices across different countries. This cross-cultural study explored the development and interpretation of OAE in academic systems of three countries, namely England, Taiwan, and Malaysia. The goal of this research was to provide insight into the development of OAE profiling measures by comparing the curricula of these countries’ schools. The study was based on document analysis with a comparative cultural perspective. The ideas of habitus, field, and capital articulated by Bourdieu were integrated as major supplements to illustrate the cultural patterns linked to bodily movements. The investigation uncovered both parallels and divergences in the development and conceptualization of OAE within the three nations, and discussed the context in both university and schooling sectors within four generated themes: “legislation and guidance,” “curriculum arrangement,” “pursuit of educational norms and values,” and “attitude toward OAE.” A notable disconnection between schools and universities regarding OAE initiatives was observed in Malaysia. Additionally, the study highlighted the significance of considering cultural, societal, and policy contexts in shaping the landscape of OAE in diverse educational systems. The findings of the study recommend that the Ministry of Education of Malaysia reassess the implementation of OAE in a more holistic manner.
cross-cultural, national curriculum, outdoor adventure education
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