Effect of Experiential Education on College Students’ Psychological Capital Development
Author: Shu-Yuan Chen (Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University), Yu-Ren Hsu (International Association of Facilitation)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 69, No. 4
Date:December 2024
Research Motivation and Objectives
Most college students have to address self-identity challenges while adapting to changes in their external environment. In particular, freshmen struggle with adjustment, which can reduce their future employability. Studies have suggested that positive psychological resources contribute to improved wellbeing and adaptability in college students, providing them with competitive advantages. Positive psychological resources, such as optimism and resilience, help individuals manage life and work stress, regulate their mental health, engage in effective problem-solving, and increase their adaptability.
Individuals with positive psychological capital (PsyCap) possess positive psychological resources that assist them in navigating life’s challenges. PsyCap is a measurable and cultivatable psychological state that positively influences social performance and satisfaction. Those with high PsyCap are typically confident, curious, challenge-seeking, and quick to recover from setbacks. Although studies have explored PsyCap in the workplace, few have focused on PsyCap development in college students, particularly those exposed to experiential education. Additionally, most existing PsyCap research is based on quantitative surveys, lacking context on how individuals build PsyCap through their interactions with the environment. The present study proposes an experiential education model that stresses the role of team-building experiences in shaping behavior through contextual development within teams. In response to the increasing importance of team-based tasks in the workplace, the present study examines whether experiential education fosters PsyCap in college students engaging in team tasks. Furthermore, it seeks to identify key elements in experiential education programs that effectively promote the building of PsyCap in college students.
Literature Review
1. Psychological Capital
PsyCap emphasizes positive resources and behaviors. Researchers have identified four core PsyCap constructs: self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. Luthans et al. (2007) defined PsyCap as a state that promotes optimistic and hopeful outlooks, enabling individuals to set and achieve goals confidently and recover from setbacks. Most studies have focused on employees in corporate settings, where the benefits of PsyCap are well-supported. Because PsyCap is regarded as a key attribute for talent development in business, educational strategies for fostering PsyCap in students are gaining interest. Recent studies have suggested that students with higher PsyCap adopt more positive attitudes toward various events and exhibit higher levels of adaptability, wellbeing, and competitiveness. Thus, PsyCap serves as a resource that builds positive psychological capabilities, aiding individuals in overcoming challenges and fostering positive growth. Accordingly, the present study explores methods for enhancing the PsyCap of college students while they navigate crucial social and career transitions.
2. Effect of Experiential Education on Psychological Capital
Experiential education emphasizes real-world experiences that promote knowledge and skill development through activities (Morris, 2020). This learning model integrates experience, education, and learning, guiding participants to engage in self-reflection and to gain awareness and emotional insights (Beard & Wilson, 2018). Team-based experiential education is beneficial for team building and development, which are crucial for high-performance work structures (Macelaru, 2024). Various experiential activities can strengthen essential skills such as leadership, problem-solving, trust, and communication, enhancing peer interaction and responsibility. Studies have indicated that experiential education can improve students’ team cohesion and learning behaviors. Experiential education provides practical learning opportunities that help young adults develop confidence, problem-solving abilities, and optimism, thereby fostering self-efficacy. By transferring successful experiences to future tasks, students gain resilience and develop a positive outlook on challenges.
1. Participants and Procedures
The present study recruited 35 junior and senior students from a Team Building and Management course. The students were randomly divided into five groups with both familiar and unfamiliar members to build foundational team dynamics. Informed consent was obtained before data collection. After each activity, groups reflected on their progress and assessed their status. Quantitative and qualitative data were used to assess team development effectiveness and individual experiences. Quantitative data were collected from 31 valid responses submitted by 18 female and 13 male participants.
2. Course Design
The course was based on Tuckman’s (1965) team development stages and emphasized the first four stages of team development, namely forming, storming, norming, and performing, with groups dissolving in the final stage. Reflective activities were conducted after each session to promote team development and optimize performance. Nine experiential activities were scheduled over 18 weeks. Qualitative feedback was collected to obtain the participants’ assessments of team performance, peer respect, and overall learning effectiveness, thereby capturing their reflections on team tasks and experiences.
1. Student Perceptions and Feedback
The results revealed highly positive participant feedback on learning outcomes (Mean = 4.20, standard deviation [SD] = 0.45), satisfaction (Mean = 4.28, SD = 0.33), and learning atmosphere (Mean = 4.65, SD = 0.35). Additionally, the participants perceived strong team performance (Mean = 4.49, SD = 0.45) and peer respect development (Mean = 4.69, SD = 0.52) during team-building activities.
2. Effect of Team Experiences on PsyCap Development
Most groups reported attempting new communication strategies and solutions during team tasks, viewing challenges optimistically and constructively. This finding aligns with prior studies, which have suggested that experiential education fosters positive emotions and memory retention, potentially enhancing future experiences.
3. Effects of Experiential Education on Self-Efficacy and Resilience
The groups described their efforts and motivation to reach goals, supported by encouragement and cooperation. Notably, the fifth group, which initially lacked confidence, gained confidence through mutual support. These results indicate that experiential education promotes responsibility and fosters optimism and self-efficacy.
4. Effect on Resilience
The groups viewed setbacks as motivational learning experiences. Their engagement in reflection helped them to internalize resilience, enabling them to adapt more effectively to future challenges.
Discussion and Recommendations
This semester-long team-based course integrated experiential education, allowing students to experience all stages of team development. The findings indicate that experiential team-building activities contribute to PsyCap by fostering positive perspectives, resilience, confidence, and adaptability.
1. Academic Implications
The present study demonstrated the effectiveness of experiential education in developing key elements of PsyCap among college students. The integration of real team tasks and qualitative narratives highlighted essential factors for enhancing PsyCap.
2. Practical Applications
The present study performed quantitative and qualitative analyses and identified four practical components that should serve as the focus for future experiential education course design:
• Clear Goals and Rewards. Clear team goals and incentives help sustain positive attitudes and self-efficacy. Clear goal setting and the rewarding of progress can enhance student engagement and PsyCap.
• Positive Team Relationship Development. Supportive team dynamics encourage positivity toward tasks and challenges. Strengthening peer relationships can foster positive PsyCap development through social learning.
• Reflection and Discussion. Reflective discussions help learners integrate experiences and increase resilience. Incorporating personal or group reflections aids in enhancing experiential learning.
• Gaining Successful Experiences. Successful experiences can serve as anchors for developing confidence and positivity. Designing tasks to build initial success before introducing complex challenges may help boost PsyCap.
college students, psychological capital, narrative study, experiential education
《Full Text》
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