From Individual to Collective: Exploring Value Internalization and Experience Transfer in Adventure Education
Author: Huang Chia Hung (Department of Physical Education, National Taitung University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 69, No. 4
Date:December 2024
Research Motivation and Purpose
Although substantial quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method evidence has been obtained that supports the effects of adventure education on personal development, the research methodologies employed in studies on this topic have inherent limitations. Challenges related to research design rigor, statistical validity, and interview-focused models highlight the need for further investigation into value internalization and experience transfer. The present study investigated whether adventure education, as a medium for behavioral development, provides a context in which participants gain experiential value through nonlinear observations, thereby supplementing current literature findings. Achieving effective learning outcomes involves pre-instructional preparation, in-process adjustments, and post-instruction evaluation in addition to guidance and correction of learners’ behaviors and feedback during the learning process. The internalization of experiential value and the transfer of experiences in adventure education can be assessed through after action reviews (AARs), in which participants’ reflections, discussions, and shared insights are used to evaluate activity effectiveness. The present study focused on learning-by-doing in adventure education, employing the experiential learning cycle model, which comprises experiencing, observing, discussing, and reflecting. The aim of the study was to enhance students’ willingness to actively engage in learning, create peer learning opportunities, improve problem-solving skills, and assist students in clarifying and applying their personal values in their lives, thereby contributing to lifelong learning and development.
Literature Review
Studies on adventure education have highlighted several key principles of experiential learning, including trust building, goal setting, challenge/stress, experience, humor/fun, and problem-solving (Ellmo & Graser, 1995; Schoel et al., 1988). Therefore, the long-lasting benefits of individual participation in adventure education activities should be evaluated on the basis of activity content (Ellmo & Graser, 1995).
The operational model for adventure education activities can be described as a series of waves, comprising phases characterized by peaks, troughs, turbulence, stimulation, calm, and activity (Luckner & Nadler, 1997). This model emphasizes briefing, activity, and debriefing, with participants learning and developing through an activity’s operational mode.
Applying AAR in educational courses involves employing student learning strategies to (1) set group learning goals through discussion, (2) prepare for course learning, (3) stimulate student brainstorming and self-guidance, and (4) engage in peer feedback and observational evaluation. This process guides the implementation of teaching activities, ensuring high teaching quality and effectiveness. Continuous AAR after an activity enables focused, efficient, and productive discussions, which help individuals or groups gain meaningful experiences through action. In this model, immediate feedback is provided from participants during the teaching process that offers teachers valuable information for adjusting their teaching and improving its effectiveness, which can enhance teaching quality and improve learning outcomes.
Research Methods
The present study involved 39 university students, that is, 24 male (61.54%) and 15 female (38.46%) participants. The main program was a 10-week course comprising 3-hour weekly adventure education activities involving problem-solving and teamwork challenges. Data were collected on the participants’ involvement across the 10 weeks, and feedback was obtained from the participants. Term frequency-inverse document frequency weight analysis was employed to determine the value the participants derived from these activities, and word clouds were generated to visualize the findings.
Research Results
The participants’ self-reported activity engagement scores ranged from 3 to 10, with an overall average of 7.87 ± 1.49, indicating a high level of participation. Semantic analysis of the text mining results indicated that the top 10 core values participants focused on during the activities were “we,” “self,” “trust,” “completion,” “life,” “team,” “leader,” “success,” “belief,” and “goal.” The terms “we” and “self” ranked highly in the weight analysis, suggesting that the participants reflected on their roles and relationships within the group context, shifting from a focus on self-identity to one of alignment with shared group values.
Qualitative data analysis revealed that the participants’ involvement in adventure education followed four developmental stages: communication and cooperation awareness, trust building and problem-solving, mutual support and leadership collaboration, and team cooperation and group cohesion.
Discussion and Recommendations
The present study revealed that the implementation of adventure education promoted the development of dynamic relationships, with participants gradually transitioning from a focus on individual perspectives to shared, collective values. The four key stages of this process were as follows.
1. Communication and Cooperation Awareness
The participants recognized their connection to the group and began to identify as members of the group. This sense of identification fostered resonance among the participants, establishing a foundation for the formation of closer relationships.
2. Trust Building and Problem-Solving
The participants developed trust during the activities, which increased their willingness to support and help each other overcome difficulties, which strengthened their team bonds and enhanced their problem-solving abilities.
3. Mutual Support and Leadership Collaboration
The leaders and followers among the participants supported and encouraged each other, which enabled the team members to realize their potential and achieve higher, shared goals.
4. Team Cooperation and Group Cohesion
The participants transitioned from an individual-oriented to a team-oriented mindset, demonstrating active engagement in team activities and tasks. They recognized their complementary strengths and learned how to work together toward common goals.
In summary, focusing on participants’ psychological processes, particularly those related to beliefs, emotional expressions, and behavioral tendencies, during their pursuit of goals is crucial. Understanding these behaviors can provide key insights into participants’ changes and growth, with individuals gradually recognizing the connection between the individual and the group through adventure education activities and recognizing their shared values. Furthermore, an environment that encourages active learning and the development of social skills must be established.
Educators should adopt the low-cost, high-efficiency model for adventure education courses that was proposed in the current study and integrate similar activities into other types of courses. This strategy can enhance course appeal and create opportunities for young people to engage in social and personal development.
Keywords:after action review, learning by doing, adventure in the classroom, experiential learning cycle
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