期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第四十一期 (1996)



化學實驗技能是國中化學教師必備的能力之一,教師必須精通這些技能並用來解決所遭遇到的實驗問題。為了配合教師來源多元化的趨勢,以為將來教師資格檢定之需要,本研究開發國中化學教師實驗技能之評量工具,以作為將來教師資格檢定考試之參考。本研究採用概念分析法和工作分析法,探討國中化學教師必備的基本實驗技能,訂出其評量要點和通過基準,設計評量工具,並進行試測及修訂。經對本校化學系三年級學生施測結果,發現有一半以上的學生對一些基本的實驗技能的訓 練仍嫌不足。



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 41 (1996)

A Study on the Assessment of Preservice Junior High School Chemistry Teacher's Experimental Skills
Author: Jhy-Ming Horng(Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University)


Chemistry experimental skills were necessary for junior high school chemistry teachers. They must perform each fundamental experimental skills correctly and use the skills to solve real research problems. The purposes of this study are to use concept analysis and task analysis to define the chemistry experimental skills which are necessary for junior high school chemsitry teachers to design their assessment instruments. The in-struments developed in this study can be used as one of the reference tools in the certi-fication of chemistry teachers later on. The results of this study indicate that the train-ing of some fundamental chemistry experimental skills of preservice chemistry teacher must be improved.

Keywords:chemistry experimental skill, assessment