期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)

以腳架策略開發STS 專業能力的模式


本篇論文將說明如何使化學教師夠過開發STS單元過程(a)審視自己對STS問題之信念與價值觀。(b)思考在學校科學教育中如何安插STS學習。(c) 藉由參與STS模組的開發來消除對STS教學活動上的矛盾見解和價值觀。(d)建構出較合宜的見解、價值觀以符合實際的教學需要。
本研究所開發的STS專業能力之建構模式對培養中學化學教師的有效性,由下列四項事實可肯定之:1)比較該教師之不同開發階段的C-STES單元內容改進;2)比較該教師之不同開發階段之C-STES單元工作分析及其修改理由;3)比較同儕對該教師使用不同開發階段之單元做微型教學時之反應報告;4)研 究者之觀察與晤談之資料分析。本研究中所做的個案研究的結果顯示,此STS專業能力建構模式能改善參與者的專業表現。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

A Model for STS Professional Development Through Scaffolded Strategies
Author: Cheng-Hsia Wang, Hsiao-Hsin Tsai(Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University)


Teachers are a key to success in current educational reform efforts. Teachers must internalize the goals of the STS learning, master the basic concepts and skills, and be willing not to rely only on the standard text books but to develop their own teaching materials. Only when the science teachers' beliefs and capability become compatible with the notion of the STS education, they could cultivate citizens to have global perspectives, who are able to integrate science, technology, environment, and society.
This paper reports how we use a unit development approach as the opportunities for prospective chemistry teachers to (a) examine their beliefs and values about respon-sible citizen action on STS issues, (b) find a place of STS in school science education, (c) confront inconsistencies in their beliefs and values about STS action through participating in STS module development, and (d) construct more appropriate beliefs, values, and corresponding science teaching practices. The effectiveness of the professional development model for chemistry teachers was determined by analyzing and comparing: 1) the C-STES unit developed at the entry level with the improved unit at the exit level; 2) the unit task analysis and interpretations made by the subject at entry with exit levels; 3) the peer reports of microteaching performances; and 4)the re-searcher's observation and analysis of the interview documents. The results of this study showed that the unit development with the scaffolded strategies improved the partici-pant's professional performance.

Keywords:STS, professional development, scafforded strategies