期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)



依據人類由淺入深的學習過程,將知識作層次化表示是合適而且有用的。本系統應用樹狀搜尋的方法以控制學生學習過程,並且使用人工智慧的技巧以建立學習環境。系統首先檢查學生在解題過程中的每一步驟,而並非只檢查問題的最後答案。另外本系統也在學生解題中提供了一些輔助工具以了解學生受幫助的情形。本系統 是執行在網路上,依據網路操作,老師可以監看學生在學習過程中的狀況,並給與適當的學習材料。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

Problem Solving Based Intelligent Computer-Aided Learning System
Author: Kuo-En Chang, Hon-Zin Lin(Department of Information and Computer Education, National Taiwan Normal University)


According to the human's learning process by the steps of easier to deeper, the hierarchical representation of knowledge is suitable and sueful. The proposal system applies the tree-searching to control the process of instruction, and uses AI techniques to build a glass-box mathemeatic learn-ing system. It means that the system will check each step in the sudent's problem solving rather than only check the final solution, and it will give some help during the student learning. The system can also run under the network. By the network operations, the teacher can monitor the performance of ever student's learning and set the learning materials for the students