期刊目錄列表 - 60卷(2015) - 【教育科學研究期刊】60(4) 十二月刊(本期專題:扶助弱勢學生)






《詳全文》 檔名

    1. 丁學勤、曾智豐(2013)。影響國中階段貧窮學生學業表現之因素探析-以臺灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會扶助對象為例。臺灣教育社會學研究,13(1),1-42。doi:10.3966/168020042013061301001【Ting, S.-C., & Tseng, C.-F. (2013). Factors affecting the academic achievement of financially disadvantaged junior high school students: A case study of beneficiaries of the Taiwan fund for children and families. Taiwan Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(1), 1-42. doi:10.3966/168020042013061301001】
    2. 王美娟(2003)。青少年中輟相關因素及社會不良適應關聯性之研究。玄奘社會科學學報,1,1-41。【Wang, M.-C. (2003). A study on the relative factors of drop-out behavior and its relationship with social maladaptation. Hsuan Chuang Journal of Social Sciences, 1, 1-41.】
    3. 王鴻龍、楊孟麗、陳俊如、林定香(2012)。缺失資料在因素分析上的處理方法之研究。教育科學研究期刊,57(1),29-50。doi:10.3966/2073753X2012035701002【Wang, H.-L., Yang, M.-L., Chen, C.-J., & Lin, T.-H. (2012). Missing data techniques for factor analysis. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 57(1), 29-50. doi:10.3966/2073753X2012035701002】
    4. 尤怡人(2006)。從生態學的角度來看弱勢家庭現狀的評估與展望。網路社會學通訊期刊,52。取自http://mail.nhu.edu.tw/~society/e-j/52/52-51.htm【You, Y.-R. (2006). Assess the current situation and prospects of disadvantaged families: From the view of ecology. E-Soc Journal, 52. Retrieved from http://mail.nhu.edu.tw/~society/e-j/52/52-51.htm】
    5. 何素秋、李孟蓁(2009)。臺灣貧窮兒少資料庫-長期追蹤資料庫之建構。載於臺灣社會福利學會主辦之「健康、照護、工作與退休[1]新興社會風險與弱勢關懷國際學術研討會」論文集(pp. 1-20),臺北市。【Ho, S.-C., & Lee, M.-C. (2009). Taiwan database of children and youth in poverty-Database construction of the long-term tracking. In Taiwanese Association for Social Welfare (TASW) (Ed.), “Social policy in East-Asia: International innovation and comparative perspective symposium (pp. 1-20), Taipei, Taiwan.】
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APA Format
Kung, H.-Y., & Lee, C.-Y. (2015). Influence of Academic Achievement and Dropout on Economically Disadvantaged Students: An Investigation of the “Context–Self–Action–Result” Self-System Model of Motivational Development. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 60(4), 55-92. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2015.60(4).03

Journal directory listing - Volume 60 (2015) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【60(4)】December (Special Issue: Support for disadvantaged students)

(Special Issue) Influence of Academic Achievement and Dropout on Economically Disadvantaged Students: An Investigation of the “Context–Self–Action–Result” Self-System Model of Motivational Development
Author: Hsin-Yi Kung(Graduate Institute of Education, National Changhua University of Education), Ching-Yi Lee(Center for Teaching and Learning Resource, Feng Chia University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 60, No. 4
Date:December 2015


This study examined the self-system model of motivational development (SSMMD) in the “context–self–action–result” process by using 2011-2013 data from the Taiwan Database of Children and Youth in Poverty. The SSMMD suggests that contextual, self-system, and school engagement factors influence academic achievement and dropping out of school and considers the directional effects among these factors. Utilizing structural equation modeling, 1,673 economically disadvantaged students participated in the longitudinal study. The results revealed that (1) social context, self-perception, school engagement, and academic achievement were antecedents of dropping out; (2) students’ self-factor was a mediator between family interaction and academic engagement, specifically with regard to educational expectation; (3) teacher–student interaction predicted students’ self-efficacy directly, which in turn predicted students’ academic engagement indirectly; (4) students’ educational expectations predicted academic engagement directly and academic achievement indirectly; and (5) the greater the students’ academic engagement, the higher their academic achievement. Students’ academic engagement and academic achievement in 2011 were associated with a decreased likelihood of dropping out in 2013. The implications of these findings are discussed from the perspective of cultivating economically disadvantaged students’ learning.


dropout, context–self–action–result, self-system model of motivational development (SSMMD), economically disadvantaged students, academic achievement