期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第四十一期 (1996)



本研究旨在探討國小啟聰教師課堂中之教學行為。研究對象包括72位任教臺灣地區普通國小啟聰班或啟聰學校國小部之教師。其中35位擔任數學科教學,37位擔任國語科教學。分析七十二位啟聰教師之教學錄影帶發現:八成以上的老師上課時顯現出對教學之熱中、使用有助於教學的視覺性、觸覺性教具、適時歸納教學重點、清楚說明重要概念、關鍵字詞、或學生之疑惑處、引導學生發現可能解決問題之方法、重視學生之理解分析與應用、利用學生之舊經驗、提供練習機會、觀察學生瞭解情形、鼓勵學生發表自己的看法、上課前會告知教學重點。但不幸的是82%的教師上課時會出現妨礙讀話或看手語之行為。大約二至三成的教師並沒有在上 課前引起動機,較少援用學生日常經驗解釋課程內容。整體而言,國語科與數學科教師之課堂教學行為並沒有明顯差異。不過啟聰學校教師多以部頒手語、口語為主要溝通模式,啟聰班教師則以口語為主。



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 41 (1996)

A Study on Teaching Behaviors of Teachers of the Hearing Impaired
Author: Bey-Lih Chang(Department of Eduction, National Taiwan Normal University)


The purpose of this study was to analysze teaching behaviors of teachers of the hearing impaired at elementary school level. Subjects were 72 teachers who came from school for the deaf or special class/resource room; among them 35 taught math, 37 taught reading. Videotapes of their instruction were reviewed. The main results were: More than 80% of teachers followed an enthusiastic style of teaching, used visual/tactile aids, made a summary for each section, explained important concepts clearly and com-pletely, guided students to find out all possible answers to problems, emphasized comprehension, analysis, application, applied students' personal experiences, offered oppor-tunity, observed students' understanding, encouraged students to express their own opin-ions, associated new learning with past ones, and emphasized learning objects at the be-ginning of the class. Unfortunately, 82% of teachers demonstrating such behaviors did not faciliate speechreading/observing sign language. About 20% to 30% of teachers did not motivate students, and explained course content without using daily experiences. Generally speaking, there were no significant differences in teaching behaviors between reading teachers and math teachers. Teachers from schools exclusively for the deaf used sign language and oral as primary communication mode, while those who from special class or resource rooms used oral as their primary communication mode.

Keywords:teachers of the hearing-impaired, teaching behaviors