期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第四十期 (1995)



本研究之目的在於了解試教活動在師資培育工作中所扮演的角色,及其可能發揮的具體功效。研究的重點在於探討教學實習中試教活動的錄影帶回饋作用及同儕回饋作用,對增進值錢化學教師在教學能力及自我評鑑能力方面的成效。本研究以國立台灣師範大學化學系大三、大四,共97位學生(職前化學教師)為研究對象,總 共進行了274堂試教評量課程。



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 40 (1995)

Using the Practice Teaching to Improve the Teaching Abilities and Self-evaluation Abilities of Preservice Chemistry Teachers
Author: Bao-tyan Hwang(Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University),Ae-wen Liou( Tso-Ying Senior High School )


The purpose of this study is to understand the role of practice teaching and its con-crete effects on the teacher preparation. This study is focused on the purpose of assess-ing the effect of using videotapes and peer feedbacks on the preservice chemistry teach-ers, in terms of their teaching abilities and self-evaluation. The subjects for this study includ 97 junior and senior college students, who participated in 297 classes of practice teaching.
The main findings of this research are as follows:(l) Practice teaching is significantly effective in improving preservice chemistry teachers' techniques in controlling their teaching processes; in application of their evaluation skills; and in using of teaching supplement; and (2) Videotape and peer feedbacks are useful for at least 50 % of the preservice chemistry teachers in their abilities of self-evaluation.

Keywords:Practice Teaching, Preservice Chemistry Teachers, Teachers' Training, Teaching Abilities, Self-evaluation Abilities, Videotape Feedbacks, Peer Feedbacks