期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十四期 (1989)



德步西(Claude Achille Debussy 1826.8.22 - 1918.3.25)是音樂史上印象主義(Impressionism)的始祖。同時在鋼琴音樂方面也開拓了另一個簇新而美妙的音響世界。他的音樂無論在品味、色彩與動態上都獨創了新的風格,其作品的結構呈現了朦朧、透明、或是異國風味,堪稱為獨一無二的佳作。德步西的作品裡,似乎受到當時象徵派詩人們寫作法的深厚影響,而且他又將當時印象派繪畫中洋溢著的豐富色彩感和透明而流動的閃爍、直接浸入鋼琴的音響中,所以要詮釋德步西的作品,除了從音樂本身之外還得借助於具有微妙神韻的文學性想像力。
德步西有一位小女兒叫秀秀(Chou Chou)。他於1908年為心愛的女兒寫了這首鋼琴傑作「小孩子的天地」(The Children's Corner)。描寫兒童音樂之有名作品有舒曼(Schumann)的「兒時情景」(Kinderszenen op. 15)、佛瑞(Faure)的「杜麗」(Dolly op. 56)、穆梭斯基(Mussorgsky)的「兒童遊戲」(Ein Kinderscherz)。據說德步西是從「兒童遊戲」裡被那優美的音樂打動了心,也從那裡得到了啟示,而創作了「小孩子的天地」。但是這兩首作品並沒 有任何在形式上或內容上有相似之處。
舒曼、佛瑞、穆梭斯基所寫的曲子,都是在描述從成人的眼光所見到的兒童世界,本作品與之迥異的是德步西自己具有一顆純淨可愛的赤子之心,生活在兒童直觀的 世界裡,反映了兒童所感覺的世界。他與可愛的女兒共同遊歷她所想像的音樂世界。德步西的幽默、輕蔑、妙喻、全都在「小孩子的天地」表現無遺。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 34 (1989)

Explanation of the "Children’S Corner" of Debussy's
Author: Chang Mei-fei


Claude Achille Debussy (1826-1918) was the forerunner of impressionism in music history. He opened a new world for piano music, his music created a new style in taste, color and movement. His works were unique masterpieces because we can feel a vagueness, transparency and exotic quality in them. Debussy was deeply affected by the writing of contemporary symbolist poets and also embodied the colorfulness and luniosity of contemporary impressionist paintings in his piano music. To understand Debussy's works, one needs a literary imagination in addition to music itself.
Debussy was constantly looking for new technique and new expressive modes, so his piano works are very enlightening both in technique and content. His piano works can be divided into three periods: 1888-90, 1901-07 and 1908-18. His technique and content were obviously different from one stage to another.
Debussy had a daughter named Chou Chou for whom he wrote this piano masterpiece, the Children's Corner. The most famous works in children's music include "Kinderszenen" Op. 15 by Schumann, "Dolly" op. 56 by Faure and "Ein Kinderscherz" by Mussorgsky. It is said that Debussy was inspired by Ein Kinders-cherz when he wrote the Children's Corner, but there is no resemblance either in form or content between these two pieces.
In Schumann, Faure and Mussorgsky's works the children's world is seen through adults' eyes. This piece is different because Debussy himself had a child's heart, he lived in children's instinctive world and reflected the world felt by children in his music. He travelled in the imaginative music world with his lovely daughter. Debussy's humor, lighthearted vidicule and clever metaphors can be clearly heard in the Children's Corner.