Journal directory listing - Volume 50 Number 2 (2005/October) - Education【50(2)】

The Teacher-Student Relationship: an Analysis via Heidegger’s Einspringen-Vorausspringen Distinction Author: Chin-Kuo Wu(The Institute of Education, National Taiwan Ocean University

Vol.&No.:Vol. 50, No. 2
Date:October 2005


Einspringen and Vorausspringen are two essential types of interrelationship in Heidegger’s philosophy. In this study, these two types are used to analyze the interrelationship between teachers and students. In order to truly understand the nature of these types, we must first understand the basic features of Heidegger’s phenomenological thinking, his notions of ek-sistence, nihilation, care and unconcealment. In the Einspringen relationship the fundamentally human nature (as Dasein, being-there) of both teachers and students is objectified or reified; the Vorausspringen relationship, on the other hand, is one of mutual “opening” and thus makes possible “authentic” (Eigentlich) instruction. In a teaching praxis based on a Vorausspringen relationship, teachers will be fully involved in their own teaching process; they will be insightful and open-minded. By the same token, their students will naturally express the uniqueness of their own being, their self-awareness as authentic Dasein.

Keywords:Martin Heidegger, Einspringen, Vorausspringen, teacher-student, inter-relationship, educational philosophy

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APA FormatWu, C.-K. (2005). The Teacher-Student Relationship: an Analysis via Heidegger’s Einspringen-Vorausspringen Distinction. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 50(2), 33-54. doi:10.3966/2073753X2005105002003