期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十四期 (1989)



本文分別就海南島的自然資源基礎和經濟發展現狀作學理上之探討,並分析二者之間的關係,同時在必要時加入本省的資料以作比較。由數據顯示,海南島的自然資源並不薄弱,自然資源質量亦佳,值得肯定。例如全島十度以下的平原佔地超過三分之二,太陽輻射年總量亦在一百四十千卡/平方公分以上,而礦產豐富,港灣優 良,在在都說明可供開發利用的條件充足。但從另一個角度來看,海南島 之社經環境仍然停留在相當落後的階段,遠遠比不上面積大小差不多而資源基礎未佔優勢的臺灣,以民國七十三年工業總產值為例,只及臺灣的十分之一,港口吞吐量則只得三十分之一,而固定資產投資額更只得一百分之一,此外基層建設也乏善可陳,即使在整個中國大陸沿海地區來說,海南島也是發展較慢的區域,這無疑與其歷史背景有關,長久以來,海南一直被視為邊陲之地、化外之區,並未得到應有的照顧;再加上接近越南,既為邊防,又屬戰略要點,近四十年擾讓之下,根本無法全力建設。從八十年代開始,在開放政策的影響之下,中共有意加速發展海南,期能與臺灣一爭長短,先是於民國七十二年將海南島列為經濟特別行政區,再於七十七年初讓海南脫離廣東省管轄而升格建省。然而由於政治體制制肘過多,存在的問題依然不少。由此可見,海南島儘管資源豐富,但欲大步向前實在不易,首先當然要在體制上作出大幅的改革,參考臺灣的經驗,揚棄過時的意識形態,走向社經政治的現代化,然後再因地制宜就現有的資源優勢和劣勢作揚長避短的考慮,唯有如此才可以有機會和臺灣省作經濟成長上的競賽。作者本著對故國的關懷,在剖析海南島的自 然資源及經濟發展之後,再提出若干該地區發展方向可行性的芻議,以供各界參考。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 34 (1989)

Geographical Background of the Development of Hainan and a Comparison with Taiwan Area
Author: Chiu-yun Wong(Department of Geography)


This paper attempts to highlight the relationship between resource base and economic development of Hainan Island with a quantitative approach. Comparisons are made with Taiwan Area at appropriate circumstances. The data collected shows that Hainan is endowed with natural resources, large in quantity and good in quality. The condition for further development and utilization is favorable. Yet, from another viewpoint, the socio-economic environment in our study area still falls behind at a much more backward stage as compared with Taiwan. Statistics reveals that her industrial production in 1984 was only 1/10 of Taiwan, total freight handled by, all ports 1/30 and fixed assets investment even as low as 1/100. Infrastructure in Hainan is also limited. Even compared with other parts of South China, this newly establish-ed province is also slower in pace of development. The reason lies in the fact that she is quite isolated in location and historically, she has been viewed as a frontier land. However, with her upgrading to the status of a province and given the power and free hand to develop like the Special Economic Zones, the future of the island is optimistic if there is adequate reform of institutions and policy in Mainland China. In addition, the successful experience of Taiwan may provide a typical example for her reference. In this connection, the study also proposes at both the macro- and micro-level recommendations for her future development.