期刊目錄列表 - 21~30期(1976-1985) - 第二十九期 (1984)



莊子一書,漢書藝文志載有五十二篇,至晉始有注解,而唯郭象注本獨傳。此三十三篇,計內篇七、外篇十五、雜篇十一。古今學者多以內篇為莊子所自著,其餘二 十六篇,非一人一時之作。劉汝霖曰:「莊子一輸,不只莊子一人之思想,包括莊子以至淮南王時之道家思想。……研究莊子,應視作自莊子至淮南王道家思想之總 集,非一人亦非一時之思想。」(見周秦諸子考)此見解精闢,識力卓越。至於莊子書之真偽,由於書中多寓言,且其文字諔詭,頗難考定。顧頡剛曰:「莊子的真 偽要去明白它確是很難,因為它的文字太『諔詭』了,不容易摸出一個頭緒來。」(見古史辨第一冊第二八四頁)以余之見,內篇為莊子自著,而其中亦有後人摻雜 之文字,吾人應視之為「莊子思想」。外篇雜篇,或為莊子弟子所著;或為後世學莊者推衍莊義;或為後人所增補;或為後人所誤竄。除其誤增誤竄者外,皆含有莊 子思想,吾人應視之為自莊子後,至淮南王,道家學莊者之「莊學論文」總集。本文引證古今諸家之說,加按語表示己見。對今本莊子三十三篇之真偽,分篇考證 之。


Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 29 (1984)

The Question of Authorship in Chuang Tzu
Author: Pin-Ching Chen


According to Han Shu I Wen Chih, there are fifty-two chapters in Chuang Tzu. The text was not annotated until Chin Dynasty. The earliest extant annota-tion of Chuang Tzu is that of Kuo Hsiang who annotated only thirty-three of the fifty-two chapters, including seven of the inner chapters, fifteen of the outer chapters and eleven miscellaneous chapters. Ancient arid present-day commenta-tors alike agree that the inner chapters were written by Chuang Tzu himself, but the rest of the twenty-six chapters were by various hands at various times, Liu Lu-lin said, "Chuang Tzu includes not only the ideas of Chuang Tzu himself, but also Taoist tradition from Chuang Tzu to King Huai-nan.... The,student of Chuang Tzu should regard the text as a synthesis of the Taoist tradition, not as the work of a single hand" (See The Philosophers of Chou Chin). Liu's comment is both cor-rect and discerning. Because Chuang Tzu's diction is eccentric and his mode frequently allegorical, the authorship of the text is difficult to fix with certainty. Ku Chieh-kang said, "Since Chuang Tzu's language is 'eccentric', a conclusive answer to the question of authorship is impossible" (Verification of Ancient History, Vol. 1,284). In my view the inner chapters belong to Chuang Tzu himself. Though they may include later interpolations, they should be regarded as essential-ly derived from his thought The outer and miscellaneous chapters were probably written either by the disciples of Chuang Tzu or in imitation of Chuang Tzu by later scholars who added them to the text. Except for those chapters added by later scholars, everything in the text expresses Chuang Tzu's thought. We should, therefore, regard Chuang Tzu as an anthology of the Master's thought,incorporating the tradition form Chuang Tzu to King Huai-nan. The present study takes into account the views of ancient and present-day commentators to express the author's own convictions regarding the authorship of the now extant thirty-three chapters.