期刊目錄列表 - 52卷(2007) - 【教育類】52(3) 十二月刊




本研究修訂並使用CSEQ 量表,抽取淡江、清華、師大大一學生共884 名,在92 學年末施測,分析內容包括參與校園活動與談話的「努力程度」及「收穫自評」等,並分別與美國CSEQ 兩類大一學生常模作比較。研究結果顯示:整體而言大一學生參與校園與談話活動的努力程度不如美國常模,而且三校間無顯著差異,只是參與重點有別。大一學生參與最少的活動類型是「社團與組織運作」、「與老師相處」而且明顯偏低;最多的是「使用資訊科技」類。三校大一學生的總體收穫自評不佳,也不及美國兩類常模;自評收穫最多的是「求知技能」,最少的是「科技的理解」,次少的為「通識與人文素養」面向。三校之間自評收穫面向有別,而且清華學生自評收穫高於淡江學生。



APA FormatYeh, C.-K., Ho, Y.-C., & Chen, S.-F. (2007). Freshmen’s Involvement in Campus Life and Their Estimate of Gains: Illustrations from Three Universities in Taiwan. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 52(3), 99-114. doi:10.3966/2073753X2007125203005

Journal directory listing - Volume 52 (2007) - Education【52(3)】December

Freshmen’s Involvement in Campus Life and Their Estimate of Gains: Illustrations from Three Universities in Taiwan
Author: Shao-Kuo Yeh(Center for General Education and Core Curriculum, Tam Kang University),Ying-Chyi Ho(Department of Counseling Psychology, Chinese Culture University),Shun-Fen Chen(Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 52, No. 3
Date:December 2007


This study was to focus on the quality of efforts of college students’ involvement in, and their gains from, campus facilities and opportunities provided for their learning.
CSEQ was revised and applied to 884 freshmen of three universities in Taiwan, TKU, NTHU, and NTNU, at the end of the second semester, 2004. The results in comparison with the DRUE and the total norms of CSEQ 4th version in the U.S. showed the following characteristics:
1. The quality of the freshmen’s efforts showed no significant difference among the three universities, but most of the subscales showed inadequate involvement, especially in “clubs and organizations” and “experiences with faculty” categories. The most frequent attendance was “information technology”.
2. The estimate of overall gains showed a little difference. The freshmen of NTHU showed better gains than those of TKU’s. In addition, significant differences do appear in three of the subscales among the three universities. Two of the least gains of the freshmen were “the comprehension of science & tech.” and “humanities”, whereas, the best gains was “intellectual skills”.
3. In general, the freshmen of three universities in Taiwan were significantly less involved in various activities in and out of class, and they felt less benefited from their educational experiences, in comparison with the norms in the U.S.

Keywords:freshmen involvement, estimate of gains, quality of efforts, college activities, conversations