期刊目錄列表 - 51卷第2期(2006.10) - 【科學教育類】51(1&2)




本研究的目的在於報告一位高職數學教師,如何突破困難進行教學專業成長的歷程。採用個案研究法,針對一位有強烈教學改變意願的高職教師進行研究。以故事敘述和Clarke 及Hollingsworth 的專業成長互連模式作為研究工具,經過約九個月的觀察、深度訪談、蒐集多元資料,並經討論、辯證、分析後,結果發現:個案教師的教學專業成長是從模仿理論,到深層了解理論,及至建立自己教學實務理論並與他人分享的歷程。初期發展,多呈現”改變序列”類型,此時的改變是短暫的,易放棄的。後期則出現”成長網絡”類型,且朝向持續穩定的發展。影響教師教學改變成功的關鍵因素有:(1)實作與反思;(2)懷疑與相信;(3)促進與支持;(4)難度與能力;(5)正面的回饋。



APA FormatTzeng, J.-H., & Chang, C.-K. (2006). An In-Service Mathematics Teacher’s Professional Growth Processs. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, 51(1&2), 55-82. doi:10.6300/JNTNU.2006.51.03

Journal directory listing - Volume 51 Number 2 (2006/October) - Science Education【51(1&2)】

An In-Service Mathematics Teacher’s Professional Growth Processs
Author: Jyh-Hwa Tzeng, Ching-Kuch Chang(Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Changhua University of Education)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 51, No.1&2
Date:October 2006


It is common for in-service mathematics teachers to change their teaching philosophy and methods when they meet with difficulties. However, it is important to create the conditions necessary for making this change a lasting one. The aim of this study was to report on the professional growth process of a vocational high school mathematics teacher, one who transformed his teaching practice from a practice based on a traditional teaching model to one based on a reform-oriented teaching model. This was a case study; participant observation, formal and informal interviews, and other data gathering procedures were used to analyze the nature and depth of opportunities for professional growth in this field. Personal stories and an Interconnected Model of Professional Growth (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002) were used as a medium by means of which we gained insights into the underlying process of mathematics teachers’ professional growth. We found that, at least for our subject pool, mathematics teachers’ professional growth is a process that moves from the imitation of pure theory to the construction of a “teaching practice theory.” Thus it will be easy to stop a teacher’s learning if the patterns of change were too abrupt and came in the early stages of the teacher’s development, i.e. if they are “change sequences”. However, when the patterns of change are smoother and more long-term, that is, when they are “growth networks,” the teacher is more likely to be able to undergo lasting change. According to our results, the key change factors that promote mathematics teachers’ professional growth from the early stage of change sequences to the later stage of growth networks are: (1) performance and reflection; (2) doubt and belief; (3) promotion and support; (4) difficulty and capability; (5) positive feedback.

Keywords:in-service mathematics teacher, teacher change, professional growth model, teaching professional growth process