期刊目錄列表 - 64卷(2019) - 【教育科學研究期刊】64(2)六月刊
- 方慧(2001)。臺北地區大學僑生生活調適之研究。臺北市:海華文教。 【Fang, H. (2001). A study on life adjustment of overseas Chinese students at the universities in Taipei areas. Taipei, Taiwan: Overseas Chinese Culture and Education.】
- 江雪齡(2008)。正向心理學─生活、工作和教學的實用。臺北市:心理。 【Chiang, H.-L. (2008). Positive psychology − Practicality of life, work and teaching. Taipei, Taiwan: Psychological.】
- 余民寧(2006)。潛在變項模式:SIMPLIS的應用。臺北市:高等教育。 【Yu, M.-N. (2006). Latent variable models: The application of SIMPLIS. Taipei, Taiwan: Higher Education.】
- 何希慧、彭耀平(2016)。臺灣與中國大陸深圳地區大學生學習動機與學習成效關係發展之比較:以學習模式為中介變項。教育實踐與研究,29(1),139-172。 【Ho, S.-H., & Peng, Y.-P. (2016). A comparative study on the relationship between learning motivations and outcomes of college students in Taiwan and Shenzhen region of mainland china: Learning modes as mediators. Journal of Educational Practice and Research, 29(1), 139-172.】
- 吳珍珠(2014)。關於高中生學習幸福感的調查。心理學進展,4,485-489。doi:10.12677/ap. 2014.43066 【Wu, Z.-Z. (2014). Study on high school students’ learning well-being. Advances in Psychology, 4, 485-489. doi:10.12677/ap.2014.43066】
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- 方慧(2001)。臺北地區大學僑生生活調適之研究。臺北市:海華文教。 【Fang, H. (2001). A study on life adjustment of overseas Chinese students at the universities in Taipei areas. Taipei, Taiwan: Overseas Chinese Culture and Education.】
- 江雪齡(2008)。正向心理學─生活、工作和教學的實用。臺北市:心理。 【Chiang, H.-L. (2008). Positive psychology − Practicality of life, work and teaching. Taipei, Taiwan: Psychological.】
- 余民寧(2006)。潛在變項模式:SIMPLIS的應用。臺北市:高等教育。 【Yu, M.-N. (2006). Latent variable models: The application of SIMPLIS. Taipei, Taiwan: Higher Education.】
- 何希慧、彭耀平(2016)。臺灣與中國大陸深圳地區大學生學習動機與學習成效關係發展之比較:以學習模式為中介變項。教育實踐與研究,29(1),139-172。 【Ho, S.-H., & Peng, Y.-P. (2016). A comparative study on the relationship between learning motivations and outcomes of college students in Taiwan and Shenzhen region of mainland china: Learning modes as mediators. Journal of Educational Practice and Research, 29(1), 139-172.】
- 吳珍珠(2014)。關於高中生學習幸福感的調查。心理學進展,4,485-489。doi:10.12677/ap. 2014.43066 【Wu, Z.-Z. (2014). Study on high school students’ learning well-being. Advances in Psychology, 4, 485-489. doi:10.12677/ap.2014.43066】
- 李新民(2010)。正向心理學在學校教育的應用。高雄市:麗文。 【Lee, H.-M. (2010). Positive psychology in the school education application. Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Liwen.】
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- 洪子琪(2011)。僑生大學生活適應輔導之初探。學校行政,73,145-156。doi:10.6423/HHHC. 201105.0145 【Hung, T.-C. (2011). The counseling of overseas students’ life adjustments in universities in Taiwan. School Administrators, 73, 145-156. doi:10.6423/HHHC.201105.0145】
- 苖桂蓉、郭靜姿(2009)。國小舞蹈班學生即興創作課程心流經驗之調查研究。資優教育研究,9(1),1-24。doi:10.7089/JGE.200906.0001 【Miao, G.-R., & Guo, J.-G. (2009). An investigative study on the flow experience of improvisation courses in dancing classes of primary school. Journal of Gifted Education, 9(1), 1-24. doi:10.7089/JGE.200906.0001】
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- 陳柏霖(2018)。以全心學習為中介角色:僑生與本地生的生活目標與品味之關係。教育與心理研究,41(2),29-58。doi:10.3966/102498852018064102002 【Chen, P.-L. (2018). Mindful learning as a mediated: A comparative study on the relationship between life goals and savoring for overseas Chinese students and local students. Journal of Education & Psychology, 41(2), 29-58. doi:10.3966/102498852018064102002】
- 陳柏霖、余民寧(2017)。享受生活片刻的能力:用心學習、品味能力及圓滿人生之關係。教育與心理研究,40(1),57-86。doi:10.3966/102498852017034001003 【Chen, P.-L., & Yu, M.-N. (2017). The capacity to enjoy moments in life: The relationships among mindful learning, capacity to savor, and flourishing life. Journal of Education & Psychology, 40(1), 57-86. doi:10.3966/102498852017034001003】
- 陳柏霖、余民寧(2018)。圓滿人生量表測量恆等性考驗及其年齡在圓滿人生不同成年期的差異。教育學刊,50,69-108。 【Chen, P.-L., & Yu, M.-N. (2018). Verifying the invariance of a measurement model for flourishing life across adulthood in age differences. Educational Review, 50, 69-108.】
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- 黃鈿翔(2007)。臺北市國小學童價值觀念與人生目標之調查研究(未出版碩士論文)。國立臺北教育大學,臺北市。 【Huang, T.-S. (2007). The values and life goals of the elementary school students in Taipei City (Unpublished master’s thesis). National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan.】
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中文APA引文格式 | 陳柏霖、余民寧、洪兆祥(2019)。僑生與本地生的目標設定、全心學習、意志力及巔峰幸福之模型建構和其差異比較。教育科學研究期刊,64(2),131-160。doi: 10.6209/JORIES.201906_64(2).0005 |
APA Format | Chen, P.-L., Yu, M.-N., Hung, C.-H. (2019). Comparative Study on Goal Setting, Mindful Learning, Volition, and Flourishing Among Overseas Chinese Students and Local Students: Comparison of Structural Models . Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(2), 131-160. doi:10.6209/JORIES.201906_64(1).0005 |
Journal directory listing - Volume 64 (2019) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【64(2)】June
Comparative Study on Goal Setting, Mindful Learning, Volition, and Flourishing Among Overseas Chinese Students and Local Students: Comparison of Structural Models
Author: Po-Lin Chen (Department of Applied Psychology, Hsuan Chuang University), Min-Ning Yu (Department of Education, National Chengchi University), Chao-Hsiang Hung (Center for Service Innovation and Mobility Design, Feng Chia University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 64, No.2
Date:June 2019
In the multicultural context, this study explored relationships and compared differences among goal setting, mindful learning, volition, and flourishing of overseas Chinese students and local students. In total, 826 college students were recruited from Taiwan’s universities and colleges, including 559 overseas Chinese students and 267 local students. Data were collected and analyzed using description statistics, t test, multivariate analysis of variance, and structural equation modeling. The results demonstrated that: (1) The mediator effects of local and overseas Chinese students’ mindful learning and volition on the route from goal setting to flourishing exhibited no significant effects by volition on flourishing. (2) For local students, volition played a full mediator role between goal setting and flourishing, but for overseas Chinese students, volition did not play a mediator role. (3) The scores of local students and Malaysian overseas Chinese students for goal acceptance, conscious attention control, implicit attention control, self-determination, positive emotions, and competent requirements were significantly higher than those of Hong Kongese and Macanese overseas Chinese students. Finally, based on the results and findings, several implications and concrete suggestions for higher education and future research were proposed.
Keywords:flourishing, goal setting, mindful learning, volition