期刊目錄列表 - 47卷第1期(2002.4) - 【教育類】47(1)

以教師彰權益能觀點探究學校權力生態--以一所國中教評會為例 作者:黃乃熒(國立臺灣師範大學教育學系)






APA FormatWhang, N.-Y. (2002). The Inquiry of School Power Ecology through the Perspective of Teachers’ Empowerment: The Example of Teachers’ Council in A Junior High School. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 47(1), 59-82. doi:10.3966/2073753X2002044701004

Journal directory listing - Volume 47 Number 1 (2002/April) - Education【47(1)】

The Inquiry of School Power Ecology through the Perspective of Teachers’Empowerment: The Example of Teachers’ Council in A Junior High School Author: Nai-Ying Whang(Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 47, No. 1
Date:April 2002


The study is to inquire school power ecology through the perspective of teachers’empowerment by taking teachers’council of a junior high school for example. The connotation of teachers’empowerment is based on critical theory. Therefore, teachers’empowerment emphasizes systemic reflection in school organizations, which can facilitate teachers’abilities through their autonomy. This is why it can help facilitate school change. Teachers’council in schools is the production of educational reforms and its core theory is based on teachers’empowerment. Therefore, it is necessary for people to explore the related problems about power ecology in teachers’empowerment of teachers’council in schools. The study uses qualitative approaches to collect the data. Also, the study chooses the teachers’council of a junior high school as the basis of case analysis. It is found that teachers’council in schools has the power ecology of teachers’empowerment. In addition, self-managing organization is a good approach to help realize the ideal of power ecology of teachers’empowerment for teachers’council in schools. Finally, the principal should facilitate power ecology of teachers’empowerment of teachers’council in schools through poetic leadership.

Keywords:Teachers’Empowerment,School Power Ecology,Teachers’Council in Schools