期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)

誰來參加校園成長團體--師大心理健康服務工作之描寫和分析 作者:吳就君、葉翠蘋、劉淑媛、許毅貞(國立臺灣師範大學衛生教育系)


每學期報名創作坊的同學人數眾多,通常為時記錄取人數的三倍,為了了解學校心理衛生服務所及的人口群是誰,以便評估和計畫未來工作方針,擬收集78至80 學年度報名創作坊的學生 (369人),和曾經接受個案輔導的學生 (193人) 的基本資料,並與從未利用健康中心心理衛生服務學生基本資料加以比較。研究的變項包括性別、年齡、系別、級別、是否擔任幹部、曾否接受獎懲,MPI (Maudsley Personality Inventory) 結果,即神經質傾向的程度 (Neuroticism)、性格的外向程度 (Extraversion)、學期成績T分數的分配、過去的團體經驗、報名動機、對團體的期待、與他人相處上有何困難,以及報名者希望改變突破的地方。 除此之外,還有創作坊學生自我檢核量表前後測等。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

Who Will Join the Campus Growth Groups? - A Description & Analysis on the Mental Health Service in National Taiwan Normal University Author: Chew-Chung Wu, Tsuey-Pyn Yeh, Yih-Jen Sheu, Shwu-Yuann Liou(Department of Health Education, National Taiwan Normal University)


The students of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) who had used the school mental health service-individual counseling--from 1958 to 1978, were studied & analyzed (N=779) (Wu & Lee, 1980). The results of this research, which was sponsored by National Science Institute (NSI), enhanced the conception that mental health services should not be confined within the traditional model. Instead, the flexibility and accessability should be expanded. Peer counseling was developed under such circum-stances. In order to explore the influence of leadeer's qualification and experience on group counseling, NTNU established 8 growth groups for freshmen in 1982. This research project was also sponsored by NSI (Wu, Chen & Lee, 1987). The conclusion was made that groups without leaders collapsed very soon; groups led by big brothers & sisters showed better group dynamics and results than groups led by taschers and peers. The leaders of so-called "big brothers & sisters groups" are those who acquire basic professional training and are a little bit older than group meme bers.
This discovery guided the campus group counseling into a new model. NTNU began a series of growth group activities called "Creation Workshop ", including psychorama, body exploration, art therapy, body & mind inte-gration, stress management and encounter groups. Although there were a lot of students who registered in these groups every semester, only one third of them were admitted on the average. In order to evaluate & con-struct the future plan by making sure who are reached by school mental health services, the researcher is going to collect the data of students who registered in Creation Workshop (N = 396) and those who had individual counseling (N=193) from 1989 to 1991. The data collected are to be com-pared with the data of students who never used the mental health services in NTNU health center. The variables of this research contain sex, age, department, class, leadership, reward & penalty rsceived, MPI (Maudsley Personality Inventory) scores (i.e. scores of neur-oticism & extraversion), T scores, group experience used to have, intention of regis-tration, the expec-tation toward the groups, the problems with families or friends and the aspects the students hope to change. In addition, the self evaluation scale, including pretest & port-test, coded by group members will also be studied.
The results of their research project are to be served as a feedback to school mental health administration.