期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十四期 (1989)

蛙糞菌菌絲生長與分支的觀察 作者:簡秋源(國立臺灣師範大學生物研究所)


本文係利用光學與干擾顯微鏡的攝影技術,以巨大蛙糞菌(Basidiobolus magnus)為材料,對真菌營養菌絲生長及分支的形成做一形態及生理學上之記述。細胞具有完全(complete)、沒有孔 (unperforated)的隔板,長達數百微米,且具有一個明顯的大核,隨著細胞生長,原生質的川流趨向細胞頂端轉移。分支的形成則經細胞核的有絲分 裂(Mitosis)、細胞分裂(cell division)、隔板的生成之後才發生,依此順序重複恆定不變的。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 34 (1989)

Observation of the Forward Streaming, Growth and Division of the Hyphal Cell of Basidiobolus Magnus Author: Chiu-Yuan Chien


This paper deals with the forward streaming, growth and division of the hyphal cell of Basidiobolus magnus by using a light and interference microscopies. An unperforated, complete septum forms at the site of nuclear division and bisects the apicall cell, followed by the cytoplasmic streaming and a new branch is initiated. The branching pattern is invariably repeated in order and appears in two apical cells.