期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十一期 (1986)

擬入射模的固態映像的分解 作者:陳冒海(國立臺灣師範大學數學系)


封閉子模為研究擬入射模之重要工具。本文主要在研究擬入射模之同態映像的封閉子模與優誠實(superhonest)子模。證明Sandomierski 〔7〕中之定理2˙10之系理,Harada〔3〕中之定理1˙7與本人〔1〕中之性質4˙7都可推廣至擬入射模的同態映像。提供擬入射模的同態映像幾種 分解方式。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 31 (1986)

Some Decompositions of Epimorphic Images of Quasi-Injective Modules Author: Mau-Hai Cheng


Closed submodules are an important tool in studying quasi-injective modules. In this article we are mainly concerned with the closed submodules and the superhonest submodules of quasi-injective modules. We shall prove that Corollary of Theorem 2, 10 in [7]; Theorem 1.7 in [3] and Proposition 4.7 in [1] still hold when the R-module is an epimor-phic image of a quasi-injective R-module. It deduces some decompositions of epimorphic images of quasi-injective modules.