期刊目錄列表 - 66卷(2021) - 【教育科學研究期刊】66(3)九月刊

中小學教師換證制度之研究:體系內涵、遭遇阻力與配套措施 作者:臺北市立大學教育行政與評鑑研究所吳清山、國家教育研究院教育制度及政策研究中心王令宜、臺北市立大學師資培育及職涯發展中心林雍智




《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 吳清山(2005)。循序漸進推動:教師換證、評鑑及進階制度。師友月刊,461,7-11。 【Wu, C.-S. (2005). Pursuing license renewal, evaluation and job grade systems for teachers. The Educator Monthly, 461, 7-11.】
  2. 吳清山(2010)。師資培育研究。高等教育。 【Wu, C.-S. (2010). Research in teacher education. Higher Education.】
  3. 吳清山(2016,11月25日)。吳清山:教師證書宜研議定期更新。中時新聞網。https://campus.chinatimes.com/20161125002477-262301 【Wu, C.-S. (2016, November 25). Teacher certificate should be discussed to renew regularly. China Times. https://campus.chinatimes.com/20161125002477-262301】
  4. 林彥佑(2006,4月19日)。談教師換證制度。https://s8912002.pixnet.net/blog/post/159280517 【Lin, Y.-Y. (2006, April 19). Discussing the teacher license renewal system. https://s8912002.pixnet.net/blog/post/159280517】
  5. 林雍智(2013)。促進教師專業發展:日本教師換證制度之檢討與改革方向。教育研究月刊,231,109-124。https://doi.org/10.3966/168063602013070231008 【Lin, Y.-C. (2013). Prompting teacher’s professional developments: Reviews and innovation directions of teacher license renewal system in Japan. Journal of Educational Research, 231, 109-124. https://doi.org/10.3966/168063602013070231008】
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APA FormatWu, C.-S., Wang, L.-Y., & Lin, Y.-C. (2021). License renewal system for elementary and secondary school teachers: Contents, resistance, and supporting measures. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 66(3), 161-190. https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.202109_66(3).0005

Journal directory listing - Volume 66 (2021) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【66(3)】September

License Renewal System for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers: Contents, Resistance, and Supporting Measures Author: Ching-Shan Wu (Institute of Educational Administration and Evaluation, University of Taipei), Ling-Yi Wang (Research Center for Education Systems and Policy, National Academy for Educational Research), Yung-Chih Lin (Center for Teacher Education and Career Development, University of Taipei)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 66, No. 3
Date:September 2021

    Enhancing teachers’ professional abilities is closely related to ensuring high education quality and has become a key educational issue globally. Teacher license renewal (TLR) systems not only benefit teachers’ professional learning but enable them to gain social trust. This study explored the contents of and resistance to implementing TLR; the study also evaluated the system for supporting TLR for elementary and secondary school teachers in Taiwan. This study was conducted using questionnaires administered to scholars, educational administrators, and school educators. Nine conclusions were drawn: (1) TLR can effectively function to enhance the professional knowledge, maintain the professional standards, and ensure the quality of teachers. (2) The TLR cycle period should be 10 years. (3) Training hours are the main consideration of TLR. (4) Most participants agreed that the Nationwide Special Excellent Teacher Awards should be accepted as an exemption to license renewal. (5) TLR should be postponable for childbirth, childcare, or paternity. (6) The Ministry of Education should be the license-issuing authority. (7) The TLR training hours should mainly include those at local government training institutes. (8) The main difficulty of promoting TLR is the lack of a legal basis. Finally, (9) the main measure proposed for supporting TLR is to amend the “Teacher Law” to obtain the legal basis. A discussion of the implications these concrete suggestions for promoting TLR is presented.

Keywords:teacher’s license, teacher license renewal (TLR), teacher professional development