期刊目錄列表 - 66卷(2021) - 【教育科學研究期刊】66(1)三月刊

國中生完美主義組型暨其與父母期望/苛責、學業情緒、動機涉入之關係 作者:臺中市西屯區上安國民小學張映芬



許多文獻顯示探討完美主義組型的重要,在教育現場亦可發現學生完美主義組型在學習適應上的差異一直是教師關心的議題,然國內甚少研究採個人中心分析完美主義組型。故本研究以相關完美主義組型理論觀點,探討國內學生完美主義組型及其與父母期望/苛責、學業情緒、動機涉入之關係。本研究抽取兩批國二學生為樣本,共918人,以集群分析、區別分析、多變量變異數分析進行探討。研究結果顯示:一、完美主義特質組型有低追求低在意、中追求高在意、高追求高在意、高追求低在意四組;完美主義來源組型有低自我低社會、高自我低社會、高自我高社會、低自我高社會四組;二、父母期望/苛責能預測完美主義特質組型、完美主義來源組型;三、完美主義特質組型、完美主義來源組型在學業情緒、動機涉入差異的結果皆支持2 × 2組型模式。


《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 施淑慎(2010)。父母態度、教師之自主支持及心理控制與國中生完美主義傾向間關係之探究。彰化師大教育學報,17,1-16。https://doi.org/10.6769/JENCUE.201006.0001【Shih, S.-S. (2010). An examination of the relations among parental attitudes, teacher autonomy support along with psychological control, and junior high students’ perfectionistic tendencies. Journal of Education National Changhua University of Education, 17, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.6769/JENCUE.201006.0001】
  2. 張映芬(2019)。四向度完美主義之建構暨其與成就目標、學習倦怠之關係。教育心理學報,50(4),611-635。https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.201906_50(4).0003【Chang, Y.-F. (2019). Construction of 4-dimensional perfectionism and its relationship with achievement goals and burnout. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 50(4), 611-635. https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.201906_50(4).0003】
  3. 張映芬、程炳林(2011)。國中生動機涉入之分類結構及其相關因素探討。教育心理學報,43(2),521-546。https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.20101018【Chang, Y.-F., & Cherng, B.-L. (2011). The classification and related factors of motivational engagement for junior high school students. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 43(2), 521-546. https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.20101018】
  4. 張映芬、程炳林(2015)。國中生自我決定動機、目標導向與動機涉入之關係。教育心理學報,46(4),541-564。https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.20140825【Chang, Y.-F., & Cherng, B.-L. (2015). The relations of self-determination motivation, goal orientation, and motivational engagement for junior high school students. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 46(4), 541-564. https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.20140825】
  5. 陳正昌、程炳林、陳新豐、劉子鍵(2011)。多變量分析方法-統計軟體應用(第六版)。五南。【Chen, J.-C., Cherng, B.-L., Chen, S.-F., & Liu, T.-J. (2011). The methods of multivariate analysis: Application of statistical software (6th ed.). Wu-Nan.】
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APA FormatChang, Y.-F. (2021). Perfectionism profiles and their relationship with parental expectations/criticism, achievement emotions, and motivational engagement. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 66(1), 203-230. https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.202103_66(1).0007

Journal directory listing - Volume 66 (2021) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【66(1)】March

Perfectionism Profiles and Their Relationship with Parental Expectations/Criticism, Achievement Emotions, and Motivational Engagement Author: Ying-Fen Chang (Shang An Elementary School, Situn District, Taichung City)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 66, No. 1
Date:March 2021


Several studies have revealed that exploring perfectionism profiles is critical. Understanding differences in learning adaptation among students’ perfectionism profiles is essential for classroom teachers. However, few domestic studies have adopted a person-oriented analysis to investigate perfectionism profiles. Therefore, this study explored Taiwanese students’ perfectionism profiles in the context of associated theories of perfectionism profiles and their relationship with parental expectations/criticism, achievement emotions, and motivational engagement. A total of 918 junior high school students participated. Analysis consisted of cluster analyses, discriminant analyses, and analyses of variance. The following results were obtained: (1) cluster analyses of perfectionistic character profiles revealed four profiles: a low strivings/low concerns group, a medium strivings/high concerns group, a high strivings/high concerns group, and a high strivings/low concerns group; cluster analyses of perfectionistic resource profiles revealed four profiles: a low self-oriented/low socially prescribed group, a high self-oriented/low socially prescribed group, a high self-oriented/high socially prescribed group, and a low self-oriented/high socially prescribed group; (2) parental expectations/criticism predicted perfectionistic character profiles and perfectionistic resource profiles; (3) differences in achievement emotions and motivational engagement among perfectionistic character profiles and perfectionistic resource profiles were all consistent with the 2 × 2 perfectionism profiles model.

Keywords:parental criticism, parental expectations, perfectionism profiles, motivational engagement, achievement emotions