期刊目錄列表 - 59卷(2014) - 【教育科學研究期刊】59(3) 九月刊

臺灣地區大專院校教師對學校評價的影響機制:學校屬性與教師分級的區隔作用 作者:林俊瑩(國立東華大學幼兒教育學系)、謝亞恆(仁德醫護管理專科學校幼兒保育科)、陳成宏(國立東華大學教育行政與管理學系)




《詳全文》 檔名

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  4. 杜娟娟(2002)。教學與研究-大學教師的工作投入時間。屏東師院學報17,135-174。【Du, J.-J. (2002). Teaching and research–Time involvement of university professors. Journal of Pingtung Teachers College, 17, 135-174.】 
  5. 林大森(2002)。高中/高職的公立/私立分流對地位取得之影響。教育與心理研究25(1),35-62。【Lin, T.-S. (2002). The effect of academic/vocational public/private tracking in status attainment. Journal of Education & Psychology, 25(1), 35-62.】
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APA FormatLin, C. -Y., Hsieh, Y. -H., & Chen, C. -H. (2014). Taiwanese College Instructors’ Evaluation of Their Schools: The Differences Among School Attributes and Instructor Ranks. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 59(3), 29-58. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2014.59(3).02

Journal directory listing - Volume 59 (2014) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【59(3)】September

Taiwanese College Instructors’ Evaluation of Their Schools: The Differences Among School Attributes and Instructor Ranks Author:
Chunn-Ying Lin(Department of Early Childhood Education, National Dong Hwa University),Ya-Heng Hsieh(Department of Early Childhood Care and Education, Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management),Cheng-Hung Chen(Department of Educational Administration & Management, National Dong Hwa University)

Vol.&No.:Vol.59, No.3
Date:September 2014


    Managing higher education is becoming increasingly difficult. How to strengthen the identifications, evaluations, and dedications of faculties to the reputation and competitiveness of their institutions is a critical issue in managing higher education. Little research on how to promote the identification of college instructors with their institutions has focused on differences among job attributes (e.g., public/private, general/technological, and science) and instructor ranks as well as the factors contributing to the differences. This study attempted to answer these questions by using a sample of college instructors obtained from the Taiwan Integrated Postsecondary Education Database. The results showed that compared with instructors at private vocational colleges, instructors at public universities were less satisfied with employment, professional development, salary and benefits, and workplace atmosphere of their institutions and tended to assign relatively lower ratings to their schools. In addition, instructors at public vocational colleges were less satisfied with employment, professional development, and the salary and benefits of their institutions compared with their counterparts at private vocational colleges, which lead to the low rating of their institutions. Analysis of differences according to rank revealed that professors and associate professors were significantly more satisfied than assistant professors with their schools in the aspects of facilities, human resources, employment, professional development, salary and benefits, and workplace atmosphere. Thus, they assigned higher ratings to their schools. Associate professors tended to identify their schools as insufficiently friendly, and thus, their ratings of their schools were the lowest.

Keywords:work environment, higher education, instructor ranks, evaluations of the school, school attributes