期刊目錄列表 - 53卷(2008) - 【教育類】53(3) 十二月刊

不同類別評量者對國小校長領導能力知覺評量之比較 作者:葉連祺(國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政學系)



校長領導能力決定領導成效,過去校長領導能力研究多採校長自評分數,有主觀之譏,如由其他學校教育人員評量有無差異,則待探討。本研究探討不同類別評量者對國小校長領導能力知覺評量的影響,以自編、具良好信、效度的校長領導能力量表,調查台灣地區122 所366 位國小校長、主任和教師對校長領導能力的知覺,自差異、差距和相關角度探討影響效果。結果發現評量者評量知覺有差異,三類人員對應然和實然層面校長領導能力不論向度或項目的知覺評量均見顯著差異,知覺結構模式亦不均等,綜合能力項目部分有顯著差異,向度部分則無,顯然評量知覺差異現象因能力計量方式而異;比較應然和實然層面評量結果可見知覺落差現象,應然知覺明顯高於實然表現知覺。



APA FormatYeh, L.-C. (2008). A Comparison of the Assessments of Elementary School Principals’ Leadership Competence by Different Types of Evaluators. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 53(3), 1-28. doi:10.3966/2073753X2008125303001

Journal directory listing - Volume 53 (2008) - Education【53(3)】December

A Comparison of the Assessments of Elementary School Principals’ Leadership Competence by Different Types of Evaluators Author: Lain-Chyi Yeh(Department of Educational Policy and Administration, National Chi Nan University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 53, No. 3
Date:December 2008


A principal’s leadership competence influences his/her leadership effectiveness. In past studies, measurements of principals’ leadership competence (PLC) based on their own self-assessment were criticized as being too subjective. The study explored what influential effects about elementary principal’s leadership competence had made by different types of evaluators. One self-made scale with good reliability and validity was used to survey the perceptions of PLC of 366 principals, official directors and teachers in 122 elementary schools in Taiwan. It studied the influential effects with the views of difference, discrepancy and correlation. The findings indicated that perceptual gap in evaluators existed. Principals, other school officials and teachers had significantly different perceptions and perceptual structural models with regard to some dimensions and items in the “ought to do” and “had done” domains. But the only significant difference concerned items in the “synthetic competence” dimension. This showed that the different methods of scoring PLC caused the perceptual difference among evaluators. Furthermore, a perceptual gap existed between the “ought to do” and “had done” domains, for the perceptions of “ought to do” were significantly more positive than those of “had done.”

Keywords:principal leadership competence, principalship, elementary school