期刊目錄列表 - 51卷第2期(2006.10) - 【教育類-創造力特刊】

學術社群說出創造力的語言及其反映的思維:以三大創造力研究文本為例 作者:黃譯瑩(國立政治大學師資培育中心)



創造力自身的what 與why 漸被視為理所當然,較少進行根本性反思,本研究企圖探析創造力的who,以在著名的三大創造力研究文本中發聲的學術社群為對象,透過文獻探析與統計方法在其說出創造力的語言中後設分析所嵌含的思維。研究發現:(1)在三大創造力研究文本中的學術社群其思維與語言中的「創造力」,透露著對社會的知覺、以及對突破社會化之限制的需求,反映著該社群說出創造力時以理性運思者、領域開拓者、社會化成人為對象之潛在預設,也含蘊著資本主義社會中的現代性旨趣。(2)語言與思維相互影響,能描繪同時也能變動著存有的圖像,而因學術社群的語言相對於普羅大眾具有更大的象徵性權力,故學術社群對於定義存有時,指出的是該存有的普適本質、抑或實為反映著社群自身興趣與特質的個殊屬性,更需自省與謹慎。



APA FormatHuang, Y.-Y. (2006). What Do Academics Say and Think about “Creativity”? —An Analysis of Creativity Research Texts. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 51, 51-70. doi:10.3966/2073753X2006105103003

Journal directory listing - Volume 51 Number 2 (2006/October) - 【Education】Special Issue on Creativity

What Do Academics Say and Think about “Creativity”? —An Analysis of Creativity Research Texts Author: Yi-Ying Huang(Institute of Teacher Education, National Chengchi University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 51, Special Issue on Creativity
Date:October 2006


Creativity is currently one of the hottest issues in our society and especially among educators. But most studies of creativity, especially those dealing with the how-to-facilitate questions, take the definitions of creativity presented in the literature for granted. Little attention is paid to fundamental inquiries into the “what” and “why” of creativity, “where” and “when” creativity is present, as well as “whose” creativity is being facilitated. This paper thus aimed to analyze three noted research texts on creativity so as to explore the academic’s language on the existing state and characteristic of creativity and reveal the thoughts, that is, presuppositions, interests, expectations, embedded in their words. Through content analysis, coding and categorization, it was found that the creativity reflected from the academics’ words usually appears when human beings start guessing and hypothesizing. Behind their language, the academics’ thought on creativity is a kind of process, products, human’s capability, thought, actions, ideas, integration or problem-solving, of which characteristics are novel, original, appropriate, useful, untraditional, valuable, significant, and complex. And, such an image of creativity contains the academics’ huge interests on modernity, concern about the tradition of society, and awareness on breaking the limit of socialization.

Keywords:thought, research texts, creativity, language, academics