期刊目錄列表 - 49卷第1期(2004.4) - 【教育類】49(1)

國民中小學教師的組織公民行為之影響模式 作者:鄭燿男(國立台東大學教育研究所)



組織公民行為基本上是指組織中的個人,表現出超越角色標準以外的行為;它是不求組織給予獎賞,仍然能自動自發、利他助人,關心組織績效的行為(Organ, 1988)。試想學校領導人如果能夠促進教師展現上述這些行為的話,我國教育改革所衍生的許多問題或許大多能解決。亦即研究教師的組織公民行為不但有助於學校組織效能的開展,也是現階段教育改革中急需導引教師展現的行為。



APA FormatCheng, J.-N. (2004). The Influential Model of Teachers' "Organizational Citizenship Behavior" in Elementary and Junior High Schools. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 49(1), 41-62. doi:10.3966/2073753X2004044901003

Journal directory listing - Volume 49 Number 1 (2004/April) - Education【49(1)】

The Influential Model of Teachers' "Organizational Citizenship Behavior" in Elementary and Junior High Schools Author: Jao-nan Cheng(Graduate Institute of Education, National Taitung University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 49, No. 1
Date:April 2004


Organ's 1988 study on the concept of "Organizational Citizenship Behavior" looked at corporate organization and business management, and has promoted such behavior in public organizations and private enterprises. However, in the educational field OCB is still an unfamiliar concept. Therefore, a systematic study of teachers' OCB was thought to be vitally necessary. The study looked at teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan. The effective sample included up to 1138 teachers after sampling based on the percentage of teachers at each grade level.
The results of this study show that the major factors influencing a teacher's organizational citizenship behavior are the quality of the teacher's relationship with school authorities (administration), the degree of job support, the justice of rewards from the school and other feedback, procedural justice, and the degree of job satisfaction. If the teacher-administration relationship keeps improving and job support from the school authorities gradually increases, the teacher's organizational citizenship behavior will also be promoted. It is also good for the organizational citizenship behavior of teachers when the school procedures and the rewards for teachers are fair. Increasing job satisfaction also promotes the teacher's OCB. The "exchange relationship" between teacher- administration, degree of job support, "person-organization value fit" and "discipline-job fit" all lead to greater job satisfaction, thus promoting the teachers'organizational citizenship behavior.

Keywords:organizational citizenship behavior, social exchange, organizational justice, person-organization fit