The Comparisons of the Competencies for Laboratory Instruction in Biology
Author: Chen-yung Lin(Department of Life Sciencs,National Taiwan Normal University), Li-chu Tung(Department of Life Sciencs,National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 45, No.2
Date:October 2000
Laboratory instruction is a unique activity for science education. Its importance and necessity has been long accepted and advocated by school teachers and science educators. Effort of research on instruction evaluation or teaching competency has brought some result in Taiwan. However, few of research directly address on teaching competency for laboratory instruction. The study investigated the opinions about the importance of teaching competency for laboratory instruction. Three sample populations, University professors, distinguished teachers, and preservice teachers, were surveyed. The paper proposed a table of important teaching competency for laboratory instruction, including seven categories and 45 items of teaching competency. The emphasis of teaching competency for the three populations was compared and application for the result was discussed.
Keywords:Competency for laboratory instruction Practical teaching
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