期刊目錄列表 - 64卷(2019) - 【教育科學研究期刊】64(1)三月刊

國中學生面對網路謠言之回應行為初探:以Facebook謠言訊息為例 作者:國立交通大學教育研究所黃慧宜、國立交通大學教育研究所周倩




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中文APA引文格式黃慧宜、周倩 (2019)。國中學生面對網路謠言之回應行為初探:以Facebook謠言訊息為例。教育科學研究期刊,64(1),149-180。doi:10.6209/JORIES.201903_64(1).0006
APA FormatHuang, H.-I, Chou C. (2019). Responses of Junior High School Students to Internet Rumors: A Case Study of Facebook Posts. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(1), 149-180. doi:10.6209/JORIES.201903_64(1).0006

Journal directory listing - Volume 64 (2019) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【64(1)】March

Responses of Junior High School Students to Internet Rumors: A Case Study of Facebook Posts Author: Hui-I Huang(Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University), Chien Chou(Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 64, No.1
Date:March 2019

This study aimed to explore and understand how junior high school students evaluate the credibility of online rumors, thereby helping educators and researchers to better understand their responses related to Internet rumors and their information evaluation behavior. The results were obtained from a survey of junior high school students in Taiwan (N = 578), which are as follows: (1) The students were aware of the Internet rumors appearing on the commonly used network services. (2) The students understood the process of evaluating the information obtained through online platforms; however, they lacked the ability of accurate and effective evaluation. (3) The personal interest of the students toward Internet rumors was related to the credibility evaluation process, and their evaluation remained unchanged when they encountered different types of rumors. (4) The students did not respond positively to Internet rumors or identify and clarify these rumors. They did not spread these rumors either. Students would use different approaches based on the type of rumors. For example, students were more likely to identify or clear bogie rumors and spread curiosity rumors. (5) The students eager to evaluate the credibility of online information would use faster and easier approaches, such as discussing the rumor with their classmates, friends, or family instead of using time-consuming but effective approaches.

Keywords:information credibility, information evaluation, Internet rumors, Taiwan junior high school students