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Journal directory listing - Volume 64 (2019) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【64(1)】March
The Effect of Principal Leadership on Teacher Leadership for Learning: How Trust and Academic Emphasis Moderate?
Author: Wen-Yan Chen(Department of Educational Policy and Administration, National Chi Nan University), Hui-Ling Wendy Pan(Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Leadership, Tamkang University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 64, No.1
Date:March 2019
Teacher leadership for learning is significant for school management in the context of shared governance, while there is scarce literature regarding how it is influenced by principal leadership. To examine principal effect on teacher leadership and how the effect is moderated by teacher trust in principal and school academic emphasis, the study administered a survey to 1,340 junior high school teachers in Taiwan. Important findings are concluded as follows: (1) Teacher perceptions of principal leadership, teacher leadership for learning, teacher trust in principal and school academic emphasis all reached moderately high level. Teacher leadership for learning was ranked as the top, followed by teacher trust in principal. (2) Among the demographic variables, teachers with formal administrative post or not was found to exert significant influence on the aforementioned teacher perceptions. (3) The effect of principal leadership on teacher leadership for learning was moderated by teacher trust and academic emphasis. In other words, principal effect on teacher leadership was more vivid in schools where teachers had higher degree of trust in principals, and less evidently in schools with stronger extent of academic emphasis. The study features itself with cultural implication for its presenting weaker significance of academic emphasis than that found in the western context.
Keywords:academic emphasis, principal leadership, teacher leadership, teacher leadership for learning, trust