期刊目錄列表 - 60卷(2015) - 【教育科學研究期刊】60(3) 九月刊

幼教人員網路社群合作對教學認知實用的影響:網路社會連結的干擾效果 作者:陳儒晰(育達科技大學幼兒保育系)




《詳全文》 檔名

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  4. 邱皓政(2011)。結構方程模式:LISREL/SIMPLIS原理與應用(第二版)。臺北市:雙葉書廊。【Chiou, H.-J. (2011). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling with LISREL / SIMPLIS (2nd ed.). Taipei, Taiwan: Yeh Yeh Book Gallery.】
  5. 邱皓政、林碧芳(2009)。結構方程模型的原理與應用。北京市:中國輕工業。【Chiou, H.-J., & Lin, P.-F. (2009). Principles and application of structural equation modeling. Beijing, China: China Light Industry Press.】
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APA FormatChen, R.-S. (2015). Cooperation in Online Communities on the Perceived Usefulness of Instruction for Early Childhood Educators: The Moderation of Online Social Connection. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 60(3), 1-26. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2015.60(3).01

Journal directory listing - Volume 60 (2015) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【60(3)】September

Cooperation in Online Communities on the Perceived Usefulness of Instruction for Early Childhood Educators: The Moderation of Online Social Connection Author: Ru-Si Chen(Department of Child Care and Education, Yu Da University of Science and Technology)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 60, No. 3
Date:September 2015


Early childhood educators’ perceptions of the useful values of the Internet when integrated into instruction are associated with professional cooperation and interactive discussions through the Internet. These perceptions articulate the moderation of early childhood educators’ attitudes toward the development of social interaction and community cohesion by using the Internet. By conducting a survey, this study examined the influencing factors and moderating effect of early childhood educators’ attitudes toward Internet communities and instructional usefulness. The questionnaire consisted of three factors: online community cooperation, perceived usefulness in instruction, and online social connection. Sample data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling, testing moderating effects and interactive effects, and determining statistical significance with the moderating factor by using partial least squares. The results showed that early childhood educators’ perceptions of the social connection of multiple interpersonal interactions on the Internet moderated their attitudes toward the relationship of sharing instructional professional experiences and assisting instructional usefulness through the Internet. The results of the study were discussed and the implications of the study were derived.

Keywords:moderation, early childhood educators, perceived usefulness of instruction, online social connection, cooperation of online community