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Journal directory listing - Volume 59 (2014) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【59(3)】September
Verifying the Invariance of a Measurement Model for Achievement Goals Theory by Using the Multiple Group Structural Equation Modeling
Author: Chung-Chin Wu(Institute of Education, National Cheng-Kung University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 59, No. 3
Date:September 2014
The appropriateness of measure content, ambiguity of theoretical concepts, and interferences of theoretical measure are three problems in achievement goal research. These problems have yet to receive comprehensive attention or empirical examinations. The purposes of this study were (1) to revise the problems caused by achievement goal measures and to compile a Mandarin version of a 3×2 achievement goal measure (the best fit and most parsimonious model was chosen based on model comparisons), (2) to examine the multiple group invariance of the theoretical model by utilizing multiple group structural equation modeling, and (3) to investigate the influences of gender and the educational phase on each of the 3×2 achievement goals. The results are summarized as follows: (1) the measurement of 3×2 achievement goals yielded favorable reliability and construct validity. Moreover, this model is regarded as the best fit and the most parsimonious model. (2) The measurement presents favorable validity between gender and moderate validity between the educational phase. (3) In general, boys pursued higher approach- and avoidance-oriented goals than girls, indicating the complexity of achievement goals. Suggestions are proposed based on these findings presented at the end of the article.
Keywords:goal orientation, achievement goals, multiple group structural equation modeling