期刊目錄列表 - 59卷(2014) - 【教育科學研究期刊】59(3) 九月刊

代間學習策略融入社會老年學之學習歷程與成效研究 作者:陳毓璟(國立中正大學成人及繼續教育學系暨高齡者教育碩士班)




《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 王百合、楊國德(2010)。高齡薪傳者與兒童之代間學習互動研究。屏東教育大學學報-教育類34,149-176。【Wang, P.-H., & Yang, K.-T. (2010). A research of intergenerational learning interaction between elders as transmitters and young learners. Journal of National Pingtung University of Education–Education, 34, 149-176.】
  2. 林美珍(1993)。大學生對老人態度之研究。教育與心理研究16,349-384。【Lin, M.-C. (1993). College student attitudes toward the elderly. Journal of Education & Psychology, 16, 349-384.】
  3. 林貴滿(2000)。老年護理課程對護生老化態度及老人行為意向差異之探討(未出版碩士論文)。中山醫學院,臺中市。【Lin, K.-M. (2000). The investigation of the influence of the attitude and behavior intention to the elderly of the nursing students after geriatric nursing program (Unpublished master’s thesis). Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.】
  4. 林麗惠(2011)。代間學習方案對世代互動影響之研究。教育學刊37,119-150。doi:10.3966/156335272011120037004【Lin, L.-H. (2011). The influence of an intergenerational learning program on generational interaction. Educational Review, 37, 119-150. doi:10.3966/156335272011120037004】
  5. 陸洛、高旭繁(2009)。臺灣民眾對老人的態度:量表發展與信效度初探。教育與心理研究32(1),147-171。【Lu, L., & Kao, S.-F. (2009). Attitudes towards old people in Taiwan: Scale development and preliminary evidence of reliability and validity. Journal of Education & Psychology, 32(1), 147-171.】
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APA FormatChen, S. Y.-C.(2014). Learning Process and Effects of Incorporating Intergenerational Learning in a Social Gerontology Course. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 59(3), 1-28. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2014.59(3).01

Journal directory listing - Volume 59 (2014) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【59(3)】September

Learning Process and Effects of Incorporating Intergenerational Learning in a Social Gerontology Course Author: Stephanie Yu-Ching Chen(Department of Adult and Continuing Education & Graduate Institute of Elder Education, National Chung Cheng University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 59, No. 3
Date:September 2014


    This study investigated the learning process and effects of incorporating intergenerational learning in a social gerontology course. The nonequivalent quasiexperimental research design, which involved combining qualitative and quantity methods, was adopted and co-inspected using qualitative data to explore the learning process and effects of intergenerational interaction. A total of 48 participants were included in this study. We invited 15 older adults to study together freely with 22 students in the experimental group for 18 weeks. The results showed that, through continual interaction and dialogue, the intergenerational relationship gradually developed from originally hierarchical, respecting the older adults, to the equal attitudes of the learning partners. The students understood the older adults, improved the communication skills, and developed empathy gradually. Although intergenerational learning did not substantially improve the knowledge of the students on aging, the attitudes of the students toward the older adults and willingness to serve elderly people markedly improved. Finally, seven principles of intergenerational learning instructional design, based on the instructional process, and recommendations for future courses and research design were suggested.

Keywords:intergenerational learning, aging knowledge, attitude toward older adults, inclination to serve seniors, educational gerontology