期刊目錄列表 - 43卷第2期(1998.10) - 【人文與社會類】43(2)

普遍語法與華語正反問句的第二語言習得 作者:陳純音(國立臺灣師範大學英語系)、洪儷真(國立臺灣師範大學英語系)



本實驗旨在藉由研究來台學習華語之日本學生與美國學生華語正反問句(A-not-A-Questions)之習得情形,探討第二語言中普遍語法之重要性與母語之角色。實驗組是60位師大國語文中心的美、日學生;控制組則是20名中國學生。本實驗共設計兩組測驗:一是偏好題(a preference task)、另一是重組題(a restructuring task)。實驗結果發現大部分的美、日學生在華語習得初期即對主要成分參數(the Head Parameter)作出正確反應,顯示母語干擾並不顯著。由此可見,第二語言習得中普遍語法之存在。本實驗結果,除可證實普遍語法在第二語言中之重要性外,對華語正反語句語法理論之沿革,亦有參考之價值。



APA FormatChen, D. C.-Y., & Hong, P. L.-C. (1998). UG and A-not-A Questions in L2 Chinese. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities & Social Science, 43(2), 57-80. https://doi.org/10.6210/JNTNULL.1998.43(2).04

Journal directory listing - Volume 43 Number 2 (1998/October) - Humanities & Social Sciences【43(2)】

UG and A-not-A Questions in L2 Chinese Author: Chun-yin Doris Chen (English Department, National Taiwan Normal University), Li-chen Portia Hong (English Department, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 43, No. 2
Date:October 1998


This study sets out to determine whether L2 acquisition is dominated by L1 and UG by examining Japanese- and English-speaking learners' second language acquisition of Chinese A-not-A questions. Sixty students at the Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University, together with twenty native controls, were asked to perform two experimental tasks (i.e. a preference task and a restructuring task). The results show that all of the L2 learners were sensitive to the Head Parameter at the early stage of acquisition, suggesting that UG is operative in second language acquisition, but L1 influence is not significant. The present findings not only argue for the UG hypothesis but also provide empirical evidence for a revision of syntactic theory for A-not-A constructions.

Keywords:UG, A-not-A Questions, Chinese, L2 Acquisition