期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十四期 (1989)

老子的知識論 作者:陳品卿(國立臺灣師範大學國文學系)


本論文命題為「知識論」,其義為「論知識」。老子「論知識」是反對知識;世俗「論知識」是崇尚知識。本文主旨即在申論老子對知識的看法,並探究老子所反對者為何種知識。老子所謂的「知」,就本質而言,乃是指形而上的「真知」,而非世俗之「知」。所以他主張尚「明」以求「真知」;棄「智」以止「妄知」;知 「不知」以守「常道」;學「不學」以去「俗知」。全文分三項敘述。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 34 (1989)

On Lao Tzu's Theory of Knowledge Author: Pin-ching Chen


The purpose of this paper is to explore Lao Tzu's theory of "knowledge." The key concept of his "knowledge" is essentially metaphysical, not secular. He, there-fore, advocates adoring "enlightenment" to pursue "real knowledge," abandoning "superficial understanding," laying restraint on "absurd knowledge," knowing "what one has not known" to observe the constant way of life, and learning "what one has not learned" to get rid of "popular knowledge."
The paper examines (1) the nature of knowledge and (2) Lao Tzu's ways to knowledge, which include (a) to adore "enlightenment," (b) to abandon "superficial understanding," (c) to know "what one has not known," and (d) to learn "what one has not learned."