期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十三期 (1988)

中小學生設計實驗技能之學習層次變化分析研究 作者:許榮富(國立臺灣師範大學物理系)


根據設計實驗技能之層次性評量準則,修正中學適用之「科學過程技能學習層次測驗」,並發展國小適用的科學過程技能學習層次測驗工具,各測驗均含問答格 式及選擇格式。各格式之測驗Cronbach α值分別為:中學為0.67及0.73;小學為0.65及0.56。設計實驗技能層次分別由三位評分者評分,其Kendall係數(Kendall Coefficient of Concordance)為0.97,評分者之間具有評分的一致性。
研究發現:國小六年級到高中一年級,每年即之設計實驗技能於問答格式之平均層次分別為:2.13、2.70、2.85、3.13、2.94。於選擇格 式之平均層次則分別為:3.26、4.45、4.16、4.64、4.73,二格式間之表現具顯著差異。在年級方面,作答與選擇格式均具年級差異,但不具 性別差異。


Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 33 (1988)

The Changes of Learning Hierarchies in Students' Investigation Designing Skill Author: Rong-Fu Hsu


In this study, the author tries to investigate the changes of the students' learning hierarchies from grade six through ten in investigation designing skill. Items of LHTSP (Learning Hierarchy Test of Science Process Skills) were revised and validated based on the criteria of investigation designing skill. They included both the essay and choice formats. The reliabilijunior and senior high school; 0.65 and 0.56 for the elementary school.
The Kendall Coefficient of Concordance W is 0.97 for the essay forms by scored in composing of three science teachers. It showed that they were consistent in scoring.
The subjects were selected from the city and county of Taipei. The distribution of subjects were 800 pupils for the elementary school, 515 pupils for the junior high school, and 298 pupils for the senior high school.
The findings are that the average levels of learning hierachies in investigation designing skill from the sixth through tenth grade were 2.13, 2.70, 2.85, 3.13, 2.94 for the choice forms, in addition, there are significant difference between grades.
Associating the results of the analysis of the structure in the elementary and secondary science texts with the findings of this study, the author proposes some explanations of the changes of the investigation designing skills, and recommands some suggestions for further research.