期刊目錄列表 - 62卷(2017) - 【教育科學研究期刊】62(4)十二月刊(本期專題:校務研究與高教發展)

(專題)全球視野在地化的校務研究:以國立臺灣大學經驗為例 作者:李紋霞(國立臺灣大學教學發展中心)、符碧真(國立臺灣大學師資培育中心)


過去我國的大學經營常是「跟著感覺走」,但在校園民主化後,校務決策應以「證據」為本。2015年在教育部推動下,許多大學成立校務研究(Institutional Research, IR)辦公室進行相關工作。美國校務研究發展出成熟的運作模式,成為全球高等教育的典範,惟校務研究需高度與所處的區域、校園環境脈絡結合,故如何具有全球視野在地化的思維,從事植基於校園文化的IR工作,以解決自己的問題,是當前要務。本文以廣為學界引用的校務研究三種組織智能與五種角色功能面貌,檢視與反思國立臺灣大學過去10年發展全球視野在地化IR工作的過程和挑戰,供各校未來推動IR工作的參考。


《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 何希慧(2015)。大學建立校務研究體制之建議:以學習成效評估及提升機制為例。評鑑雙月刊,57,38-41。【Ho, S.-H. (2015). Suggestions on establishing institutional research system in universities: Learning outcomes assessment and improvement mechanism. Evaluation Bimonthly, 57, 38-41.】
  2. 呂良正(2014)。臺大土木系Capstone課程經驗分享。評鑑雙月刊,49,21-24。【Leu, L.-J. (2014). Experiences of capstone course at NTU’s Civil Engineering Department. Evaluation Bimonthly, 49, 21-24.】
  3. 國立臺灣大學校務研究辦公室(2016)。104學年度大學院校提升校務專業管理能力計畫期中成果報告。未出版。【Office of Institutional Research, National Taiwan University. (2016). Report of enhancing the capabilities of Institutional Management 2015. Unpublished.】
  4. 國立臺灣大學校務研究辦公室(2017)。國立臺灣大學校務研究中程工作計畫規劃(內部會議文件)。未出版。【Office of Institutional Research, National Taiwan University. (2017). Mid-term plan of institutional research at the National Taiwan University (Internal OIR meeting document). Unpublished.】
  5. 國立臺灣大學邁向頂尖計畫(2013)。臺灣大學「邁向頂尖大學計畫」102年自評報告。取自http://top100.ntu.edu.tw/outcomes/-102.pdf 【National Taiwan University Aiming for the Top University Plan. (2013). 2013 National Taiwan University self-evaluation report of aiming for the top university plan. Retrieved from http://top100.ntu.edu.tw/outcomes/ -102.pdf】
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APA FormatLee, J. W. -S., & Fwu, B. -J. (2017). Think globally and act locally: National Taiwan University’s experience of institutional research. Journal of Research in  Education Sciences, 62(4), 1-25. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2017.62(4).01

Journal directory listing - Volume 62 (2017) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【62(4)】December (Special Issue: Institutional Research and Higher Education Development)

(Special Issue) Think Globally and Act Locally: National Taiwan University’s Experience of Institutional Research Author: Jennifer Wen-Shya Lee(Center for Teaching and Learning Development, National Taiwan University), Bih-Jen Fwu(Center for Teacher Education, National Taiwan University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 62, No.4
Date:December 2017

Previously, university management in Taiwan was often guided by common sense or decision-makers’ intuition. However, because university governing bodies have become more democratic, policymaking need to be more evidence based. In 2015, with the promotion of the Ministry of Education, many universities established institutional research (IR) offices to support evidence-based policymaking. The mature U.S. IR model has long been considered a global standard. However, because each university has its own campus culture and governance style, the U.S. model must be adapted and modified to suit Taiwanese universities. The major objective of IR is to think globally and act locally by maintaining a global perspective, staying informed of local concerns, and working within regional constraints. By using the well-cited frameworks of three organizational intelligences and five IR faces, this paper examined and reflected on the processes and challenges of IR at National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU’s experience may provide insights into future IR development in Taiwanese higher education.

Keywords:evidence-based, faces of institutional research, institutional research, National Taiwan University, organizational intelligence